
Hello, i have a 5 (4'x3'x8') & 2 (3'x3'x8') areas and my plant limit is 30. i am going to use LED's and i also want to use hydro .... thanks


Well-Known Member
pay free advice you are gonna get. sounds like this is your first time growing? go soil. go HID. hydro is only gonna creat problems, especially with that many spaces. LED's are SUPER expensive for quality ones and i've yet to see one produce the yields that HID does.

p.s. please don't jump on my back LED mob. if you have a grow journal with high yields then please show me a link...:bigjoint:


New Member
pay free advice you are gonna get. sounds like this is your first time growing? go soil. go HID. hydro is only gonna creat problems, especially with that many spaces. LED's are SUPER expensive for quality ones and i've yet to see one produce the yields that HID does.

p.s. please don't jump on my back LED mob. if you have a grow journal with high yields then please show me a link...:bigjoint:
oh no here comes the led crew lol
great advice
so many want to jump right into the deep end of pool before they learn to swim instead of going slow and getting feet wet first


Well-Known Member
oh no here comes the led crew lol
great advice
so many want to jump right into the deep end of pool before they learn to swim instead of going slow and getting feet wet first
couldn't agree with you more FAB. the other thing that seems like it would be a pain is all those reservoirs and seperate hydro setups for each of those spaces. that would be a fucking pain in the ass. already gonna be a bitch controlling the environment for all those spaces.


New Member
couldn't agree with you more FAB. the other thing that seems like it would be a pain is all those reservoirs and seperate hydro setups for each of those spaces. that would be a fucking pain in the ass. already gonna be a bitch controlling the environment for all those spaces.
no doubt i wouldnt wont that job he would be a slave to his grow
ok i was kind of thinking of using big sterilight tubs with 2 or so in each and have 4 connected and have one drain nozzle and i am going to build the led's so it's not too expensive and also i was going to use compost tea in the tubs si i don't have to deal with harsh chemical nutes. thanks guys keep the ideas coming in there is no bad advice and no this is not my first grow just wanted to get feedback and perfect the design thanks !!


New Member
ok i was kind of thinking of using big sterilight tubs with 2 or so in each and have 4 connected and have one drain nozzle and i am going to build the led's so it's not too expensive and also i was going to use compost tea in the tubs si i don't have to deal with harsh chemical nutes. thanks guys keep the ideas coming in there is no bad advice and no this is not my first grow just wanted to get feedback and perfect the design thanks !!
why not try using 5 gallon buckets the rubbermaids bulge out bigtime when u add water


New Member
yah i posted there and then no one posted back then the guy that posts after me gets a shitload of answers haha my luck ....
sometimes no answer is better then a wrong answer just be patient and someone with knowledge will answer or try googling it wi&cp=15&gs_id=80&xhr=t&q=yields+with+led&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=yields+with+led&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c7cf65f88f7c29ee&biw=1274&bih=625