
Hey all my name is sara, long time reader first time poster

I have leaves going yellow with necrotic spots then going all papery

Veged under a600 mh but moved them to a badboyt5 system

They were being fed botanicair veg with calmag.buttnow they're on motherplant 2 part


Active Member
hehehe, was hard to read.. thanks for the correction. How often are you feeding? looks like N burn, but I am still new and learning myself... just seen your post and thought I just smoked a J... :) Need to know what your PH is as the N burn could have thrown the ph off. Hopefully the more advanced will pipe in, as I am curious to my 'reading' skills. :)


Active Member
hrmm.. ph is a little low if in soil. Maybe not a N burn but there is a nute burn going on how are the temps?


Well-Known Member
That looks like a burn, how about some pics of the plant, and you quit pulling her leaves off????
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