Hi guys I posted clone trouble I was having on this site about a week ago.It was my first time cloning and I was really struggling even after watching several you tube vidoes on how to do it.I have got this down now,and just wanted to share a few tips that might be hurting some of you that are new to cloning.First JIFFY PUCKS SUCK(DO NOT USE)!!!!!!!They hold way to much water and will drown and rot your roots very quickly.I use a nice miracle grow mix with peat,perlite and sand added.Second be very clean with your hands and tools!Third HUMITIDY IS KING(REMEMBER THAT)!You have to have 100% humitidy for clones to survive.They have no roots so all the water is absorbed by the stems and leaves(SO MIST DAILY) but dont over mist(common sense).Sometype of dome or sealed setup is REQUIRED.Dont over do it with the lights either.Your only trying to get the plants to root.You can and will increase the light when you tranfer your plants for growing.I hope I have been able to help someone because at first I thought cloning was like impossible.Its really just common sense.
PS:When you take your cutting at a 45% angle.Make SURE you peel a little of the skin off of the stem before you dip it in rooting hormone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS:When you take your cutting at a 45% angle.Make SURE you peel a little of the skin off of the stem before you dip it in rooting hormone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!