

Active Member
hey guys im deff new to out door growing... i kno the basics.. the only thing that confuses me iss .. soil-nutrients- ph.... basicly i have hords of promix bx with Mycorise Pro.. from there onn i dont kno what else to purchase.. furtilizer wise or w.e... if someone dosent mind having a little one on one with mee im deff up for it.. i need all the help i can get thanks..


Active Member
hey guys im deff new to out door growing... i kno the basics.. the only thing that confuses me iss .. soil-nutrients- ph.... basicly i have hords of promix bx with Mycorise Pro.. from there onn i dont kno what else to purchase.. furtilizer wise or w.e... if someone dosent mind having a little one on one with mee im deff up for it.. i need all the help i can get thanks..
google blue mountain organics
they have a liquid fert deal right now 4 bottles for like 35 bucks with shipping included i just bought it today includes foliar fert/veg fert/bloom fert and more
they have a ebay store check it out

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Last year I fed weekly with the fox farm line-up. This year I'm using Heavy harvest from A&N. I use half a 3.8 bale of Pro-Mix BX (25 gal) per hole mixed with 2 cups of heavy harvest. Planted 3rd week of april.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Sweet Grow! I grew a 8'5" Sativa once in a peach grove, no ferts needed.
I grew two plants in Westminster, CA and I used some Ferts once in grow cycle.
All my grows from then on have been indoors, I found less is best.
I never killed a plant with too little ferts, that's all I'm saying... nice plants :)