Hemp farming


Well-Known Member
Oregon will be legal to raise hemp commercially soon. This is excellent for our rural economy (including my farm). I hope I can plant a minimum of 10 acres.
On another note, our great state of Oregon is working on a bill that prohibits employers from terminating employees that use cannabis when not at work.
Oregon will be legal to raise hemp commercially soon. This is excellent for our rural economy (including my farm). I hope I can plant a minimum of 10 acres.
On another note, our great state of Oregon is working on a bill that prohibits employers from terminating employees that use cannabis when not at work.
idk if i can get your back on this one bro. i mean clearly it should be legal but hemp is a real roadblock to outdoor cannabis for me given i don't want hemp open pollinating genetics, and hemp is ALWAYS male/fem herm.
if they legalized outdoor cannabis and i lived next to your hemp farm we'd need to have a little talk
idk if i can get your back on this one bro. i mean clearly it should be legal but hemp is a real roadblock to outdoor cannabis for me given i don't want hemp open pollinating genetics, and hemp is ALWAYS male/fem herm.
if they legalized outdoor cannabis and i lived next to your hemp farm we'd need to have a little talk
lol, if they had all their licenses and were on their own property and you lived next door and it was messin with your outdoor, I'd politely tell you to grow indoor. And stay on your own property, lol. Hypothetically of course. You gotta understand after the soybean fiasco this year, many farmers are looking at hemp for their fields and many are going to do it, I hear. And I also hear its a moneymaker. So you small outdoor guys might have a plan b. just sayin
lol, if they had all their licenses and were on their own property and you lived next door and it was messin with your outdoor, I'd politely tell you to grow indoor. And stay on your own property, lol. Hypothetically of course. You gotta understand after the soybean fiasco this year, many farmers are looking at hemp for their fields and many are going to do it, I hear. And I also hear its a moneymaker. So you small outdoor guys might have a plan b. just sayin
listen if they wanna actually make hemp so we can use it for everything and replace allot of synthetic stuff then ig. but we shall see, i'd say however it is reasonable to leave some of the more prime outdoor flowerig climates to the craft outdoor guys, which is not a small grow by any means. i consider emerald triangle outdoor to supercede your rope in importance in regions like this, and others like it that can grow perfect cannabis, but again hey who am i ;)
yea, but the big commercial boys jumping into the hemp scene don't give a shit about small craft growers. They in it for their own money. And a brand new shiny market. And no, as long as they have proper licenses and paperwork, region won't matter one bit. Time to move on from the old days and embrace the new. Have a plan b. And it hemcrete, rope, sails, clothing, many more things that just rope, hence the reason big boys gettin in the game.
yea, but the big commercial boys jumping into the hemp scene don't give a shit about small craft growers. They in it for their own money. And a brand new shiny market. And no, as long as they have proper licenses and paperwork, region won't matter one bit. Time to move on from the old days and embrace the new. Have a plan b. And it hemcrete, rope, sails, clothing, many more things that just rope, hence the reason big boys gettin in the game.
maybe you didn't realize i was being idealistic. i am well aware of the powers at playe here, and the war is lost imo unless something drastic happens. we need to shift inwards and just do what we do and not compromise all the time. let them see we won't just take any cannabs law in exchange for 4 plants in our home or an ounce of bud in our possession. idk man that's how i feel
my state just passed their mmj law and it took a lot of hard work and dedicated people to get it done the right way with a state constitutional amendment instead of proposition so the lawmakers can't mess with it. So Im much happier to be able to grow legally than not to.And from my perspective, things are getting better for the movement, not worse. Gotta be done by votes and voting in likeminded folks, I guess, that's how the system works. I admire your ideals, though. Some with nothing are glad to have something even if not perfect. It is evolving though. Maybe thats why they all went to Spain to make beans, etc.
my state just passed their mmj law and it took a lot of hard work and dedicated people to get it done the right way with a state constitutional amendment instead of proposition so the lawmakers can't mess with it. So Im much happier to be able to grow legally than not to.And from my perspective, things are getting better for the movement, not worse. Gotta be done by votes and voting in likeminded folks, I guess, that's how the system works. I admire your ideals, though. Some with nothing are glad to have something even if not perfect. It is evolving though. Maybe thats why they all went to Spain to make beans, etc.
I am more positive about it than i sound to, but i feel like there is a powerful negative to this movement allot of wolves in sheeps clothing to lookout for. allot of those are on rec side. things change fast and so does my opinion lol
The $$ scale of hemp makes rec Marjuana market seems like child's play.

Marjuana prices will plunge, gray market will see to that.

The triangle will survive and thrive regardless.
Hemp prices are gonna hit the floor now that farmers can grow it legally nationwide with crop insurance and whatnot. They are already around 300 a pound for trimmed hemp bud (high cbd).