hemp vs r4


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the difference is between growing r4 and just growing industrial hemp. I am making oil for cancer patients and I want to add way more cbd. I was having trouble getting enough r4 so I started looking into growing some hemp. I'm thinking the r4 has more buds and may be better for smoking. And if anyone is growing hemp and has a recommendation for a good seed bank I would appreciate that. I am looking for high oil content.
How much CBD is in a hemp plant? I tried searching but couldn't get a good answer. Wonder how many plants it would take to get a same amount of oil compared to the med strains?

Boulder recently had a hemp farmers meeting and this site was a sponsor http://growhempcolorado.com/. Didn't go just remember seeing it advertized. Looks like they might have a source for seeds/plants.

Also awhile back I looked for seeds and was able to find one Canadian seedbank that sold viable seeds but can't remember which one is was. Canada I believe is where commercial farmers are getting seeds at the moment.

Good luck!
Thanks for the info brokeoldbloke. I took a look at the website you listed and they are selling seeds for $10/seed. That is utterly ridiculous. I have found industrial hemp seed for $35/lb or so. This stuff is planted by the acre. Maybe I am missing something here. This is like buying premium cannabis seeds. Anyway, as far as I can tell Help is almost all CBD and so little THC that it is legal to import it. I am not sure how to harvest it since the main part of the crop will be very fibrous. But it is easy and cheap to grow. I ordered some hemp oil and it is all cbd and came from hemp plants grown in China. Doesn't that just make you tingle all over. You can grow it in Colorado but you cannot ship it out of the state or you are a criminal. So instead you import it from China and all is good. WTF. I just have to shake my head. And when I looked at what was required to get a license to grow it was almost as bad as opening a dispensary. Enough venting for now.
Yeah I saw that $10/seed and thought that it must be for more than one, lol if that is really the price. $35/lb sounds like a deal, where is that at? If hemp is all CBD then there is no need for me to mess around with the R4, CW or AC/DC type strains. I could grow a stand in the back yard this summer and use the best parts for oil then juice the rest.
Just as there are many different strains of high end cannabis there are many different hemp strains you will need to find one that produces more flower. Look for strains grown specifically for seed as they will have the most flower. Some hemp can have almost a 100/1 CBD THC ratio oddly it is just hard to come by sometimes harder then the high end stuff. Ill have wife cuts for both of you at the cup and again 18% CBD 1% THC at week 7 so lots of CBD there.
thanks a lot GreenPeak. I will definitely be there and would love a cutting. Will this be rooted already? I may stay over night and need to know how to keep this alive until I return home. Also do you know a strain/source of industrial hemp available. I found a source at Hancock seed company in Fla. The gal I talked to on the phone knew very little about their seed and she said most use it for ground cover. And I am growing for both myself and I am working with some people with cancer. I am also working with a person with ms.
Thanks GreenPeak! Increasingly tempting but I'm passing on the cup. Glad to hear these will be at green grass.

Mountaingirl, You've renewed my interest in hemp but the more I look at it the less it seems a option for me. Getting seeds, 12ft plants, long growing season and unkown CBD/THC content are just some of my concerns. If you can keep mothers (I can't atm) GreenPeak's offering of a free tested clone with a known high CBD is the best way to go IMO. From one you could make many and know exactly what you have.

btw: Hancock's hemp is not what you want. Their website shows Sunn Hemp, doubt that is related to cannabis hemp.
brokeoldbloke: hemp has a very short growing season. 60-90 days but I agree that you would probably have to grow it outside because of the height. I think hemp has to be under .3% to be sold as hemp and to grow in Colorado. And I also believe that all of the hemp is from the cannabis family. But I could stand corrected. I am still looking into it all. Would love to get some experts chiming in. I like the idea of hemp because it is very easy to grow and you get large quantities of it very cheaply. You can harvest the whole plant including stalks. I spoke to Veronica today. She was the person selling seeds for $10. She is actually pretty nice and as I get more info I will share. I think the hemp thing will gather momentum for sure. It just makes too much sense for all of its uses. I doubt you would keep a mother plant from hemp. Just grow in the summer, harvest and be done. But I see your point about knowing exactly what you are growing and keeping clones.
You would just want a solid genetic lineage of hemp that produces high CBD, CBC and any other cannabinoids excluding THC. Also consider that there will soon be acres and acres of hemp fields chucking pollen all over so if your growing your CBD rich strain outside and your anywhere near a hemp farm you risk your lineage being contaminated. This could be problematic as you will not be keeping clones from hemp, you will use the seeds produced by your stand of hemp to plant the next crop.

BrokeoldBloke shame you wont make it to the cup but i understand it can be quite ridiculous. Green Grass will have cuts on 420 for free, they also do a customer appreciation BBQ usually, however IDK if they will with the rec could get a little crowded. After 420 Im going to try to keep ten cuts going up every week as long as they are selling, Im going to try to keep them at the most 10 bucks each after 420.

The goal is to take cuts first week of april so they are nice and rooted by 420, idk if we will put them in soil but we will have them in some sort of to-go container. It should not be a problem to keep them going for a week in what we supply you with, so one night no problem Mountaingirl.
Hi GreenPeak. I got a notice that you sent a private message but I get an error message and I cannot get access to it. Some problem with the site and I have contacted the administrator but no feedback yet. I know that Johnny Threads is trying to get a hold of you because he cannot make it to the cup but I am giving him a cut of the harlequin in May and I told him I would try to snag a cut of the wife for him if possible. Also I would love to talk to you about what kind of extraction you are doing with the oil. I have tried several different methods. Have not had any tested. But sounds like you are doing an extraction method that I have not heard about. I hate extracting with such volatile solvents in case it cannot all be burned off and also it is too dangerous in the winter in my garage. But I am definitely looking forward to Sat at the Cup. Excited about getting the wife. Tired of waiting for the r4 + I've heard it is very hard to grow.
Hey Bubba: Yes I still want a cut and thank you so much. I will meet you in Glenwood on your way through. Just let me know where and when. I have not been able to get pm so hopefully the forum will figure out what is going on and fix it. I think others have had the same problem. Otherwise you can just leave it here and I will be looking. Yahoo
Just as there are many different strains of high end cannabis there are many different hemp strains you will need to find one that produces more flower. Look for strains grown specifically for seed as they will have the most flower. Some hemp can have almost a 100/1 CBD THC ratio oddly it is just hard to come by sometimes harder then the high end stuff. Ill have wife cuts for both of you at the cup and again 18% CBD 1% THC at week 7 so lots of CBD there.

Hey, GreenPeak
MountainGirl mentioned you might be willing to send out an extra Wife clone for her to pick up for me at the cup. I have a meet with her on the 9th and she said she would not mind getting it to me. I have been trying to land some serious CBD so I don't have to get buzzed to medicate during the day. This strain sounds perfect for my needs. She has been trying to help me land something and thought this might be right up my alley.

You can send me some more info via email. [email protected]
I will call you if you prefer and include a number.
I have spent months trying to find something like this, I wish I had known about you sooner.
No Prob on getting the cuts for you Johnny ill make sure to get mountaingirl an extra cut. They are in the cloner still so hopefully they will have nice roots by sat, i took the cuts on the 4th so we should have no issues. If something happens and anyone misses out that is in need of cuts I or others with the cut will have no prob getting it to whoever needs it. Also starting after the cup we are going to try and keep cuts of the wife, z7 and big oil heading up to the shop so they will be available there perpetually.
Are you trying to get oil from the leaves and buds of the hemp plant, or from the seed? They both render oil, but the oils are very different.

For medicine, the leaves and buds are where the cannabinoids are. Oil from the seed can be used both as a food product and as an industrial feedstock or a fuel. To get enough seed for the second type, you need a variety of hemp bred to produce lots of seed.

It's important to be aware that oil from hemp seed does not contain cannabinoids.
I want the hemp for the cbd oil and not for the seeds for eat. I am aware that there is no thc in the hemp plant to speak of . That is why I am wondering why now that hemp is legal to grow in Colorado people can't just make the oil out of hemp instead of buying Charlottes Web or r4. You can grow it by the acre. As it stands now all of the cbd oil on the market except for 1 company is getting it from industrial hemp. The paste is coming from China mostly but also Canada I believe. What a joke. We can import the stuff from China and sell it anywhere in the US but if we grow it in Colorado we are criminals if we ship it out of the state. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

Thought- There is going to be a war between cannabis growers and hemp growers when that hemp pollen goes flying through the air and pollinates outdoor cannabis crops. Is there going to be a way to feminize the hemp seeds or spray something like reverse on the plants so the pollen is neutralized. I can see some big problems headed this way. And of course nothing will be discussed until it is too late and hemp is in all of the ditches etc and cannot be reigned in. It would be nice to have some forward thinkers on this before we unleash this beast. Anyone who figures this out will have a very marketable product. So get to it boys/girls!!! I want a front row seat.
I want the hemp for the cbd oil and not for the seeds for eat. I am aware that there is no thc in the hemp plant to speak of . That is why I am wondering why now that hemp is legal to grow in Colorado people can't just make the oil out of hemp instead of buying Charlottes Web or r4. You can grow it by the acre. As it stands now all of the cbd oil on the market except for 1 company is getting it from industrial hemp. The paste is coming from China mostly but also Canada I believe. What a joke. We can import the stuff from China and sell it anywhere in the US but if we grow it in Colorado we are criminals if we ship it out of the state. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

Thought- There is going to be a war between cannabis growers and hemp growers when that hemp pollen goes flying through the air and pollinates outdoor cannabis crops. Is there going to be a way to feminize the hemp seeds or spray something like reverse on the plants so the pollen is neutralized. I can see some big problems headed this way. And of course nothing will be discussed until it is too late and hemp is in all of the ditches etc and cannot be reigned in. It would be nice to have some forward thinkers on this before we unleash this beast. Anyone who figures this out will have a very marketable product. So get to it boys/girls!!! I want a front row seat.

It's called 'growing medicinal cannabis inside, behind good filters'. They're playing into our hands!
No Prob on getting the cuts for you Johnny ill make sure to get mountaingirl an extra cut. They are in the cloner still so hopefully they will have nice roots by sat, i took the cuts on the 4th so we should have no issues. If something happens and anyone misses out that is in need of cuts I or others with the cut will have no prob getting it to whoever needs it. Also starting after the cup we are going to try and keep cuts of the wife, z7 and big oil heading up to the shop so they will be available there perpetually.

I am more grateful than you can imagine. I have a life that does not allow me to medicate with typical strains during the day. I have been on this quest for a very long time. I have another very sick friend that could use a cutting as well but if that is getting too many He can wait for me to grow it out.
We might have some other strains coming that might be of interest to you for your purposes. I have to get them into my hands before I make any promises. I am not sure if there would be any restrictions on me giving you cuttings. You can tell me about that.

Can you give me your shop info. We like going to your area during fishing season and will be sure to drop by. I might make a special trip if you have some of the CBD stuff on the shelf. I would like to have some now so I can check it out while it is growing.
I would especially like to thank you in person.
You might like to visit another Colorado forum call Shabong.com. There are a lot of sick people there that would like to know your shop exists.

Thanks again