hemp vs weed


Well-Known Member
I'm moving to Europe this summer and theres alot of wild growing areas, The place has alot of hemp grwoing for fabrics and such, i can't see the main difference in hemp and basic wild marijuana any help?? Pictures would be great thank you!
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Well-Known Member
i meant physical wise, how can i tell the difference in appearance, i know about hemps characteristics like it has 1-2% thc but how can i tell if its marijuana or hemp growing outside, theres alot of plants!


Active Member
hemp is of the sativa strain. so the leave are very similar to that of the cannibus sativa marijuana plant. so as long as your growing sativa, not indica, the difference will be hard to notice by the fan leaves.

the plants as a whole are different. hemp grows up to 25 feet tall. where weed should only grow up to 8 feet max. so the picture of the giant forest of weed, isnt. its hemp

so there is a noticeable difference in height obviously. but whats stopping you from planting a few marijuanna plants in a hemp feild? just dont check them everday when planting outside, and also you lose alot of crop outside so plant quite a few.


Well-Known Member
hemp is of the sativa strain. so the leave are very similar to that of the cannibus sativa marijuana plant. so as long as your growing sativa, not indica, the difference will be hard to notice by the fan leaves.

the plants as a whole are different. hemp grows up to 25 feet tall. where weed should only grow up to 8 feet max. so the picture of the giant forest of weed, isnt. its hemp

so there is a noticeable difference in height obviously. but whats stopping you from planting a few marijuanna plants in a hemp feild? just dont check them everday when planting outside, and also you lose alot of crop outside so plant quite a few.
I agree with most of this except that marijuana only grows up to 8 feet. Maybe if it is pure indica.. Sativa's can and will grow up to 15 feet or more in the right conditions.


Well-Known Member
To be certain, perhaps you could find out by searching the county plat/property achieves.


Active Member
I agree with most of this except that marijuana only grows up to 8 feet. Maybe if it is pure indica.. Sativa's can and will grow up to 15 feet or more in the right conditions.
***"Marijuana plants and hemp plants have different appearances and are harvested differently. Marijuana plants tend to be short and bushy, while hemp plants can have stalks that are 25 feet high."

***"Sativa marijuana plants vary from about 6ft to over 25ft in height.Most varieties grow in the 8ft to 12ft range."

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, 1998 National Drug Control Strategy, ncadi.samhsa.gov/govpubs/ndcs98/iv-f.html, last referenced June 27, 2001.

"...over 25ft in hieght" refers to the hemp side of the sativa strain.

my bad about the 8ft thing. but ive never heard or seen a picture of a 15 mj plant. if you could find a pic thatd be awesome.


Well-Known Member
thanks i was just making sure bc a few years back i visited ukraine and behind a few abandoned apartment complexes were just a few bushy areas with a whole mess of hemp OR herb plants i just didnt know which was which!


Well-Known Member
just a question, do you get the sensimillia equivalent of hemp?

so, a female non-pollinated hemp plant, and does is bud similarly to marijuana, i've always wondered.


Well-Known Member
na its not someones theres madd forests of untouched plants just wildly growing everywere, no traces of humans at all, not even animal traces. and either way im not a theif i was just wondering about the difference so i can know for future reference! Im planning on indoor grow anyway!


Well-Known Member
Are there any ways to tell the difference from a hemp bud and a cannabis bud? like different looking seeds or anything?


Well-Known Member
its wild weed or hemp, people in ukraine dont bash on weed and dont grow it in secrecy, its all over the place.!