Hempy Bucket, MG ferts? 911 !


Hello all!
I am now in the process "cloning for sex" my 11 plants, once I have a couple of Fems I.D.'d the clones are going in my Hempy buckets.
Problem is that the only nutes/ferts I have is Miracle Grow water soluble plant food (its what I have been feeding my soil grow) for the Veg and then "Super Bloom" granulated food for flower. Can I mix these up by the gallon, following the instructions on the label, and use ithem for my Hempys?
Has anyone done this or know if it will work?
Thanks much.


Well-Known Member
Both of those are what I started with. make sure you flush well before harvest. I also suggest you follow directions. they say to use a 1.5 gallon watering can I believe. If there are gallon instructions use them....


Well-Known Member
Miracle gro is the shit! Mix half strength though. 1 teaspoon per gallon at first then step it up to 1 1/2 tea spoon per gallon.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
yes you likely could use MG for hempy...but most do not use it in hempy's

use a jar of hot water, add the powder and shake for 5 minutes, then mix into your gallon container. (I use a milk frothier, which work very well)

pH can change when sitting around too long...so keep an eye on it....depending on your water, you may consider Cal-Mag

I mix my GH by the gallon then pour it into glass jars (single servings) to store it....I prefer glass over plastic


Miracle gro is the shit! Mix half strength though. 1 teaspoon per gallon at first then step it up to 1 1/2 tea spoon per gallon.
Just checked your first grow link, pretty great stuff there. With luck I can pull that off as well as you did.


Thanks everyone for your input, seriously appreciated.
Unfortunately, I have to leave town for a week, so some slight changes to the plan.
These 11 plants have been veg'ing in 1 gallon containers for 6 weeks already, so I am going to take two more cuttings from each, put them thru a Styrofoam "sheet" floating in a 3 gallon cooler covered in plastic wrap and basically pray for roots. I been reading through the forum at "water cloning".
In the mean time, tonight I will flip the 11 plants to 12/12 and start using the Super Bloom. After I can determine sex of them I will trash the males and their respective clones. The female clones will then be put in my hempys. Provided of course any of them develop roots.
By then maybe I can score some actual hydro 'nutes, if not then its going to be hempys with MG and Super Bloom.
Oh, BTW. These have been under 330 (actual) watts of mixed spectrum CFLs and will be flowering under the same. Not enough I know - but I just gotta I.D. a good couple females as an obvious 1st step before investing any real scratch. Right now its preeeeeeeety damned ghetto lol.
And of course - thanks again!