Hempy Bucket Mix



When I had that problem, I figured I either had the lights too close or the temperature too high. Fixing those two caused them to correct themselves over time.
I raised the lights to 6" for 2 days to see if that would help, it didn't. The temps have never been above 88F and usually stay between 70-80F averaging about 75F. So it's not the temps.

Should I raise the lights to 6" for longer than 2 days? They are currently at 3".


Well-Known Member
Well....Looks like you've had a bit of progress. Whats gonna happen when you transplant into bigger containers....are you going to have to wait for the root to reach the new res once again?


I grow Hempy and personally I don't feed my plants nutes when they are that small.... although I do add a couple drops of Superthrive to the water.

I start my seeds in starter plugs and then when well rooted put into the Perlite/Coco mix. I am finding that I need to cool my water before feeding as warmer water going in promotes fungus growth on the roots. My first grow went beautifully with cooled water.... but on my second grow I got lazy and tired of putting the frozen water bottles in the water bucket..... big mistake... I'm now fighting off root rot.

If you are brave.... dig down around the roots of one of the struggling plants and see if they are nice healthy and white.... or if they are dingy and starting to turn brown. If they are starting to turn brown then you've found your problem. :blsmoke:
I actually did use a sterilized fork to scoop a bit of the perlite away from the root, and they are healthy and white for at least the 3 inches I was brave enough to go down.

I've always heard that you add nutes once the seedling has its second set of real leaves. I noticed a lot of ppl on this board are super conservative with their nutes. I mean, I can't imagine a plant being happy in lifeless perlite. It has to have fertilizer, right?

But I know it's not the nutes doing this cuz it was happening a week b4 I started nutes.

So, I just ordered some organic tonic from blue mountain organics, we'll see if that helps. I'm also going to try watering less. If that doesn't work I will raise the lights to 6" for a longer period of time. I have to do one thing at a time though to be scientific, lol.


Well....Looks like you've had a bit of progress. Whats gonna happen when you transplant into bigger containers....are you going to have to wait for the root to reach the new res once again?
Yeah a bit of progress. I wouldn't say growth has "taken off" though, like it usually does when the roots hit the rez. So I don't know if they are there yet!?!

Do you have an opinion on the droopy leaves boneman? Can watering every 3 days be too much? I finger test to about 2 inches and feel a slight bit of moisture, but not a lot. Should I not worry about it or what?

When I bog to 2g buckets I will cut the foam cup just above the hole and then plant deep so that only the top inch of the cup is above the surface. So the roots will be at or near the rez of the larger bucket already when i transplant.


Well-Known Member
First off, your setup is nice and clean, looks very good, not ghetto at all. The plants with the curled leaves looks like they have been over watered a bit. Are you giving fertilizer yet?

Getting seedlings started IS easier with 1" rockwool cubes, but you don't have much choice about that now. I have seen many plants in the same condition as your worst ones pull through and be good producers.

I suggest less watering on those first 2, but probably more than anything they just need some time to get bigger.


First off, your setup is nice and clean, looks very good, not ghetto at all. The plants with the curled leaves looks like they have been over watered a bit. Are you giving fertilizer yet?

Getting seedlings started IS easier with 1" rockwool cubes, but you don't have much choice about that now. I have seen many plants in the same condition as your worst ones pull through and be good producers.

I suggest less watering on those first 2, but probably more than anything they just need some time to get bigger.
Cool, thanks for stopping by. Check back in the future to see them grow. Comment if you see me doing something good or bad, cheers!


Day 26 Update:
Well I have had some obvious growth, and the ladies were doing great. But starting yesterday morning a few of them are looking a bit unhappy showing signs of nute deficiency. I think there is a chance the hard well water I am using has a super high ppm and is causing nutrient lockout. To me it looks mostly like N and K defs.

They are still under the HO T5 fluorescents on a 20/4 light schedule. I'm watering/feeding every 4 days (thinking about switching to every 3 days) and I'm giving them 1/2 strength Ionic grow w/ an organic plant tonic made by blue mountain organics (Artesian Spring Water, Worm Castings, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Coral Calcium, Unsulphured (Blackstrap) Molasses, and Humic Acid derived from Oak Leaf & Peat Compost).

Here are some of the healthier ones:




Here are the two runts that I was worried about last time. The smaller one actually looks like it's doing ok, just small, but the other one looks like it has a pretty bad nute def. ???




In addition to the nute def runt above, I'm aslo worried about these guys. Again, I think they have nute deficiency due to lockout caused by the super high ec/tds of my hard water.




Well-Known Member
I had something like that in my grow as well and I added Cal-Mag to my nutes and it solved it.

Kinda hard to tell from the pics though.

~Boneman :joint:


So, my plan currently is to immediately switch to eldorado mountain spring water from the grocery store (it's what I drink and tastes the best). Or, should I used RO or distilled water? If I use RO/distilled water do I have to add a cal/mag supplement?

Anyway, I'm going to flush with clean water tomorrow, and then feed/water them in 3 days with 1/2 strength nutes. Should I add the super plant tonic to the good water when I flush tomorrow or just use plain water?

Do you guys agree that this is probably a nute deficiency caused by hard water nute lockout?


I had something like that in my grow as well and I added Cal-Mag to my nutes and it solved it.

Kinda hard to tell from the pics though.

~Boneman :joint:
Yeah, my camera kind of sucks. Sorry that they are a bit blurry and out of focus. Basically, the bottom leaves are yellowing and have brown/rust spots on them and are curling at the tips and edges (pretty classic nute def right?). Isn't there already a TON of cal/mag in hard well water? I think the problem is too many heavy metals causing nute lockout, no?


switch to RO water (make sure the ionic grow is a COMPLETE nutrient, if not pick up some micro additives) and start feeding @ full strength...i think i saw that ionic grows npk is 3-1-5... might be mistaken

but if thats it... i'm not liking that little N... most mj strains love nitrogen... pick up gh micro of their 3 part... it has an NPK of 5-0-1 and will also ensure you're getting the proper micro nutes... i would suggest 1 tsp of the gh micro along with a full strength feeding of the ionic grow when you feed.... an 8 1 6 npk is much more suitable, IMO

if the gh micro isn't available (should be though, quite popular) then just find another hydro nute that'll give you an N boost

best o luck friend


switch to RO water (make sure the ionic grow is a COMPLETE nutrient, if not pick up some micro additives) and start feeding @ full strength...i think i saw that ionic grows npk is 3-1-5... might be mistaken

but if thats it... i'm not liking that little N... most mj strains love nitrogen... pick up gh micro of their 3 part... it has an NPK of 5-0-1 and will also ensure you're getting the proper micro nutes... i would suggest 1 tsp of the gh micro along with a full strength feeding of the ionic grow when you feed.... an 8 1 6 npk is much more suitable, IMO

if the gh micro isn't available (should be though, quite popular) then just find another hydro nute that'll give you an N boost

best o luck friend
Yes, the Ionic grow has an NPK of 3-1-5. But, if hard water is the issue, I doubt my plants are even getting that much with the high PPM. I have some organic fertilizer on hand I could switch to that has an NPK of 5-2-5. I don't know if it's complete or not, the ingredients are: Artesian Spring Water, High Nitrogen Bat Guano, Worm Castings, Coral Calcium, Unsulphured Molasses, Humic Acid, Beet Root Extract, Comfrey Hay Extract, Alfalfa Meal Extract, Endo and Ecto Bacteria. Would I still need micro nutes with this stuff?

Also, if I switch to RO water do I have to add cal mag plus?


So, I think I am going to be switching to this water right here: Eldorado Natural Spring Water

The analysis looks good to me. I'm going to call them and specifically ask if they add chlorine to their water first though. They state that they do not add any chemicals, but, I want to ask specifically about chlorine.

Anyway, going with this water instead of RO/Distilled water will give the plants their micro nutrients without having to buy any additional supplements like cal/mag right? I just bounced a check the other day and have to start tightening the belt for a while...