Hempy bucket ph drop in flower!!!!!!!again

Ok so I checked them and the runoff ph was4.5 not good approaching root burn so their week 5 today I’m going to attempt to limp them across the finish line by seti g up my auto feed system to feed 1/2 gal of 6.5ph 300ppm nutes every 2-4 hrs I. Going to check runoff ph in 2hrs to see where it’s at if it’s not 5.8 I’m going to bump it to ever 4hr feed once I dial it in I will Chang ph of res to 6.3 and time my feeds when res ph drops to 5.8 so I’ll keep my Hempy buckets res in the butter zone I’ll get some Hydroguard tomorrow for my res as I’ll be feeding 6-12 times a day from research low strength hi frequency feeding Delivers best results as opposed to one feeding at high strength
Been watering for 1 full day now at 6.5 in 6.1 is coming out after 8cups of feed go in 5come out drain hold so iv got plentbof flush going on every 2 hrs but by the 2hr mark I’m down to 5.6 is this accseptibal? Also the dangers leafs even though iv corrected ppm and ph seem to be slowly working their way down the leafs is that natural to burnt leafs?
Also the dangers leafs even though iv corrected ppm and ph seem to be slowly working their way down the leafs is that natural to burnt leafs?
pics please.
usually if you burn the tips, they will stay burnt. but it should not get worse if you lowered your ppm to a good level.
what worries me is maby I never burned them maby it was low ph lockout and it’s a deficiency symptom and not a over feeding problem let me know what you think


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pic 2 is def nute burn.

lets' talk about nutes: remind me what you are using again? and any additives?
After reading this thread I just want to point out that Hempy himself never watered several times a day. I ran these systems for 10 years and I averaged every 3 days. I almost never had to flush, just find the right strength for your plants and feed every time with run-off. I don't think feeding all the time would hurt them, but kind of defeats the purpose of a hempy setup. I think people are way overthinking this.
I don't think you need to use calmag if you're already using coco nutes and not in coco. Give them 600ppm nutes at 5.8 and water to runoff. Raise 100ppm per week if it can handle it. I like to use liquid seaweed too at 5ml per gal and an enzyme like cannazym wouldn't hurt it eats dead roots.
I was at 600 when this problem started and my ppm Runoff was higher than in flux even after a heavy duty flush down to single-digit P PMs
Did another heavy duty flush down the single-digit ppm‘s lowered my PMs to 300 mph in flux 6.5 my runoff is still dipping down into the high 4s
Whenever I ran hemp buckets I usually fed at 1200ppms Ph'd to 5.8 with absolutely no problems whatsoever. But then again I didn't feed every watering and went at least 2 days between waterings/feedings.
I was at 600 when this problem started and my ppm Runoff was higher than in flux even after a heavy duty flush down to single-digit P PMs
Yeah that's not the problem I dont always water to runoff and put in 800 ppm while 1100 comes out and they're fine but that's coco. Yours looks more like a defiency than nute burn It's probably dead roots like ren said plus you have heat stress which causes them to take up water faster. I would get an enzyme like cannazym to break dead roots down and get your temps down.
so. It is a deficiency from low pH correct I ran into the same problem last grow and Coco at the same point in time in flour and it’s been driving me fucking nuts trying to figure it out and no one can give me a definite answer I was kind of leaning towards more of a deficiency from Knute locked out myself
For what it’s worth, here are my 2 cents
I’ve been running hempies for a couple of years now. I use 4g buckets with Botanicare ReadyGro Moisture over 2 inches of river rocks in the reservoir. Originally I tried to make it a Dutch bucket system with drain to recovery but maintaining stable ppm and ph drove me crazy. Ppm and ph would change significantly after every feed. Finally just gave up and went to drain to waste with a good runoff to purge old nutrients.
Now I just watch the plants ... and since I feed evry day or 2 depending on the plants requirements I can make adjustments before any real damage occurs. One thing I did try that helped was forcing liquid off the bottom through the drain hole instead of letting the liquid at the 2” level flow out. You need to make an “L” out of 1/2” pvc and a good grommet but you get a more effective flush
Iv been tipping them on their side at a 90 2xaday to get out the old stuff I’m just frustrated because I see all these people killing it come harvest time and I’m stuck hopping I make it till harvest lol.....so for now should I flush them one last time and hope it helps or just keep feeding them 2x a day and risk ph lock out or risk root rot feeding the. Every2hrs to keep ph in check? I’m getting surgery in morning on my hand so I’ll be down for a few days before I can get that root stuff from hydro shop
Many this strain is prone to ph fluxuations idk I get some white widow autos and blues dream starting now we shal see
when you made your hempys, you did the hole 2" up from the bottom of the container?

those pics you last put up don't look bad except for the tip burn which won't go away.