Hempy Buckets, yellowing on lower leaves, help please <3 [HQ PICS]


Well-Known Member
Hah....good shit...I love when I stumble upon this kinda stuff.......*Ding*Ding*....Round One!!!FIGHT!!!


New Member
im going to tell you from experience not to spray your plants while the light is on, the light will be magnified and literally burn holes into the leaves of your plants
Ok dude since you want to be friends, I'm feeling especially helpful today so I'm going to educate you because I know you don't want to go running around saying things that tell people right off the bat that you don't know what you're talking about. The above is a much repeated myth. I don't know who started it but it's been around for ages and when I was starting out growing I too was guilty of repeating this nonsense once or twice as well before I noticed how silly it was. What actually is happening is that the leafs can only handle a certain E.C. and since water balls up and evaporates, it leaves behind a higher E.C. on the leafs which burns them. A wetting agent's role is to keep the water spread out, prevent it from balling up so that the E.C. remains constant and doesn't burn the plant. All foliar products either have them in there or are added, that's why people add dish soap which does the same thing. Bubbles surface tension and all that. So it has nothing to do with light, it's about E.C., the light thing is just silly, it rains during the day.

I think somebody asked why pH doesn't matter in hempy, not sure if it was you or not.

This is where you have to have some faith.....I'm sure there is a very very good scientific reason but I don't know it. I know all the reasons it shouldn't work, but I don't know why it does. I know you're laughing you ass off at this statement. I was there once.

This will blow your mind

The summers here in Japan are very very hot. My closets where I grow are 40C in the daytime and 30C at night. Most people will tell you that you can't do hydro in those temps, certain failure. Not only do I grow in those temps I get decent yields in those temps. I don't use any h202, no bleach, no ~zyme products. Just GH 3 part and tap water.

The reason I switched to Hempy was because I got root rot twice in my dwc system because of the heat and ran out and dropped 30,000 yen on an aquarium chiller and never got rot again, but that fucking cooler man...it was like 200 watts just to run it, plus the pumps, the air-pumps. It adds up. I realized I could run another 250 watt bloom space if I didn't have to cool the water so I switched to Hempy because I heard they could handle the heat.

So why did I get rot root in dwc with air-pumps up the yahoo and in the same conditions not get it with a hempy bucket with no air-stones?

Like I said, I can't give you a scientific reason why pH and heat and stuff in Hempy doesn't really matter that much, obviously there is a reason or thousands of people who have used hempy wouldn't have the same experience.

So even though I know you think it's laughable, but try faith..........or since you are a smart guy grow in hempy buckets and do the science and tell us all why, you'll be a pot growing super star. Seriously, up there with Krusty, Sub-cool.


New Member
Did you know that the bottom 2 inches of any hempy bucket is sitting in water with no air-pumps? Up to a week or more?

Like I said, I know all the reasons you're talking about. If you noticed I did mention that I bought a chiller. I'm doing you the kindness of assuming you know basic shit to keep the posts short, please do the same unless you really want to bore people with your ability to recite basic shit.


New Member
(GH nutes....0ml-5ml-10ml per gal of micro/grow/bloom)
Since your well water is bad I'd just follow the directions on your cal-mag and up to the bloom version of the lucas formula at 8-16 for now. Also once you mix your nutes set some aside and combine it with 3 parts water with a drop or 2 of dish detergent and make your own foliar feeding and spray them.

A lot of people who use lucas don't bother with the veg formula actually. I used lucas for 5 years in aero and dwc and loved it, but after a grow or two in hempy with it I felt something was lacking and decided to switch to the recipe on the bottles and my yield jumped. If you're feeling experimentive I say you might want to give it a try. Depending on what strain I'm doing I do water it down by like 30% sometimes but for some reason I can'T explain plants in hempy seem to be able to take stronger food.


New Member
yea i noticed but you still asked why you got root rot
No, I know why I got root rot, any fool who has ever read a grow book knows that. What I don't know is why I don't get root rot now in hempy in 40C weather when everything I've ever read says that I'm certain to get it with the same water.


New Member
Did you know that the bottom 2 inches of any hempy bucket is sitting in water with no air-pumps? Up to a week or more?

Like I said, I know all the reasons you're talking about. If you noticed I did mention that I bought a chiller. I'm doing you the kindness of assuming you know basic shit to keep the posts short, please do the same unless you really want to bore people with your ability to recite basic shit.
and yes i knew this, thats why i explained the depth and darkness as well as the effects of perlite and how well its airated versus solid mass of water and nothing else with a heated pump pushing hot air into your roots. that is why you have better results with the hempy buckets i explained it all just in case, thats just me, im not trying to say you dont know the basics but i cant tell from one thing your write that you know "all the baiscs" so i provided the exact temperatures just in case im not saying you didnt know.


New Member
and you stated here yes i read it all, that you switched to hempy immediately after having root rot 2 times, the temperature within your bubbling system was not set correctly and it also doesnt really say if you ever tried using the chiller in the bubbling system to fix the problem
I said I never got root rot again. I continued a few years in DWC with a chiller with great success, got tired of the electric use.
the pump also generates heat and that is another reason why, especially since your area is just hot in general ill assume that your pump was pushing out a lot hotter air than most would usually push out, so you literally probably had hot air bubbles causing your root problems from the heat in them alone as well as the water not being at the right temp.
Well you are certainly smoking good weed because your reading comp is shit. I can respect that.


New Member
Seriously dude, If you're that interested in Hempy just grow in it, some shit will seriously surprise you. Things you didn't think were possible in hydro.


New Member
as for that i simply explained it be clay rocks and perlite hold air better, keeping your roots well cooled in the higher parts where the water isnt as well as providing them with more oxygen, the bubbler was killing your oxygen level also and i know if your hempy water below at the bottom is a 40c then it for was way hotter in your bubbler, especially since with bubblers you dont really have the roots weaving through well airated rocks, you have them sitting in nothing but water.
Dude when I got root rot in the DWC the temps were lower, I was blasting the AC and leaving the door open to my closet. I'm growing at a higher temp in hempy so the water in there has to be hotter than the dwc!! My hempy is even up on holder, air all around, not insulated. Just stop assuming, this is why you should only speak from experience. Try hempy, it will blow your mind.


New Member
you need to be more specific is all, as you can see i take the time to write with great detail, from the way you wrote it most people would assume you only used a chiller with a your hempy buckets. .
Yeah sorry guy, I forgot you didn't actually know anything about hempy buckets or you would know there is no way to use an aquarium chiller with them. I'll try to be more specific.


New Member
Seriously dude, If you're that interested in Hempy just grow in it, some shit will seriously surprise you. Things you didn't think were possible in hydro.
there is nothing that has proved to be impossible for me with hydro, im not talking down to hempy buckets but i will and always will use the water farm drip buckets, they have proved the most amazing results for me personally so far and i love how they recirculate the water keeping it cool from top to bottom. i never like letting my water sit still for too long even with a stone pumping air it still just gets pretty nasty. i love my drip buckets because they are 2 pieces and i can easily drain the water and its easier for me to regulate nutrients, temperature and PH as well as clean my plants roots if they were to ever get rot which hasnt happened, the only time i worried about that was using the same system you were using before hempy buckets, the roots where bad, i had to spray them frequently to remove all the level over residue that stays in those type of systems.


New Member
Yeah sorry guy, I forgot you didn't actually know anything about hempy buckets or you would know there is no way to use an aquarium chiller with them. I'll try to be more specific.
anything that holds water, depending on the size of the bucket can have a chiller. wether its buried beneath the rocks it doesnt matter, but because the perlite there is no need i dont know how many times i can say that. so no the bigger the pot you put your plants in the bigger they will grow its just that simple and im certain that not everyone uses the same size hempy pots as you do? am i correct about this at least for you to accept that?


New Member
Dude when I got root rot in the DWC the temps were lower, I was blasting the AC and leaving the door open to my closet. I'm growing at a higher temp in hempy so the water in there has to be hotter than the dwc!! My hempy is even up on holder, air all around, not insulated. Just stop assuming, this is why you should only speak from experience. Try hempy, it will blow your mind.
again your the one missing the point, it doesnt matter how cool the water was it was the air that was being blown into your roots as well as the water sitting period, DWC systems all have this issue that is why i stopped using mine in the first place, of course i realize or even assumed that your temps couldve been spot on, because i had to maintain them constantly even with perfect temps to make sure they didnt rot on the regular basis with mine and i live in cool space i dont need to blast anything, where your spraying your roots down with solution made to clean your roots every week like i was just stop them from rotting? if you did then gladly add more detail to what you say so others can perceive what your doing exactly leaving holes of course is going to leave me telling you unnecessary things and suggest things you might already know. i really cant help that.


New Member
i love my drip buckets because they are 2 pieces and i can easily drain the water and its easier for me to regulate nutrients, temperature and PH as well as clean my plants roots if they were to ever get rot which hasnt happened
In hempy I don't have to regulate anything.


New Member
and thats that, this could be shortened down to three words, "its the rocks" they help keep your roots well airated as well as providing the perfect amount of oxygen to prevent root rot. even with warmer water, being as you say your hempy buckets only hold 2 inches of water below? then yea they rocks are definitely doing most of the work in aiding your healthy root results.

and im sorry also because i know reading all this becomes a bit of task to even keep track of everything that was said, but i think we both got a little carried away and both couldve been more direct about it.

haha i wish, i dont really buy weed and im just nourishing my babies now, honestly im too sober the reason why ive bothered writing so much in the first place, if i was stoned or had weed right now i would be playing a game or making music or something, you would notice the constant errors in my spelling also as well as i probably wouldve just given up a long time ago and done something else. lol.

but if there one thing i know its that all people on this planet just need to sit back take a deep breath and try to understand eachother even though it may seem hard as shit sometimes but thats the basic and foundation of all life for me is understanding, so i hope by now we have reached that.


New Member
again your the one missing the point, it doesnt matter how cool the water was it was the air that was being blown into your roots as well as the water sitting period
The pumps were in the other room which was cooled to about 20. Stop assuming would work anytime.


New Member
and thats that, this could be shortened down to three words, "its the rocks" they help keep your roots well airated as well as providing the perfect amount of oxygen to prevent root rot. even with warmer water, being as you say your hempy buckets only hold 2 inches of water below? then yea they rocks are definitely doing most of the work in aiding your healthy root results.
That's my guess as well.