Herbies doesn't provide tracking number?


Active Member
So it's been a while (2-3 years) since I ordered seeds, I went with Herbies because I remember them being quick and reliable. I got the email that my seeds were shipped but did not get a tracking number. Do they not provide one anymore? Wanted to see of this was the norm or just me. I know the tracking isn't that great once the package gets into the states but I do like to see that it made it through customs.
Its the norm. They were getting to many siezed wigh tracking. It tells you on the web site they dint provide it any more. Don't worry, they still shil fast. Around 8-14 days to east US.
Why one would bother to track an illegal product just amazes me. Sure seeds aint a big deal but won't catch me so much as using a credit card but I do go above and beyond to stay under the radar because they only catch the sloppy ones.
Its the norm. They were getting to many siezed wigh tracking. It tells you on the web site they dint provide it any more. Don't worry, they still shil fast. Around 8-14 days to east US.
when did this start? I just a order I had tracking 2 weeks ago
one time i never recieved a tracking number until well after i got my package this was attitude, prob just a system fuck up
Ok thanks, I didnt pay attention to their new policy. They shipped my order Monday so I guess I'll wait til next Monday to stalk the mail.