Herbs and Blow

Anyways, to sum things up a bit, coke kinda sucks, I mean for the price, the effects it gives and the potential problems I think a lot of hype is involved... Although, it can be useful for the right people. "That which nourishes, also destroys." You make it what you want.
listen man,you asked for advice and i gave it to you,im probably older than you,you ever think about that?!?!
im not trying to make fun of you,i just tried to lighten the mood with a joke about you being a base head,if you still wanna smoke it,then i suggest 3 grams of coke to 1 gram of baking soda and twirl it over the stove,yeah it'll be crack but atleast you'll have more coke in that bitch than cut....and for the record i dont smoke crack,base or sniff coke(nuthing against those who do tho)but i know the only options are making crack or free base and i heard of folks taking a line diluted in water and doing the enema thing(maybe a cup of warm water)because of the blood vessels and the thin unexposed insides of the rectum,whatever your rush,whether its for pain or whatever,it doesnt matter to me,im just handing out advice-take it or leave it....nikkz
Nice recovery!... Yea I thought about you being older but... lets not get into that, you seem like a good enough guy. Anyways, not interested in crack, or enema's, thanks for inquiring tho. Like I was saying, this isn't a regular thing for me, just experimentation. I like learning about plants and drugs and their effects and uses, not so much into getting retarded or chasing a rush.

Seriously tho, youve heard of people conducting cocaine enemas? How do you even go about doing that? Even the thought process of coming up with something like that is beyond me... To decide all of a sudden you think its a good idea to stick a hose and funnel up your ass and pour in cocaine solution for a buzz. Imagine someone walked in at that perfect moment? AWKWARD!
it is awkward but people do awkward shit for a fix,but i understand you need for knowledge-but im not getting as to what your experiment is
Nice recovery!... Yea I thought about you being older but... lets not get into that, you seem like a good enough guy. Anyways, not interested in crack, or enema's, thanks for inquiring tho. Like I was saying, this isn't a regular thing for me, just experimentation. I like learning about plants and drugs and their effects and uses, not so much into getting retarded or chasing a rush.

Seriously tho, youve heard of people conducting cocaine enemas? How do you even go about doing that? Even the thought process of coming up with something like that is beyond me... To decide all of a sudden you think its a good idea to stick a hose and funnel up your ass and pour in cocaine solution for a buzz. Imagine someone walked in at that perfect moment? AWKWARD!

although i've never heard of it with cocaine, rectal administration is a common, and very efficient means of ingesting a drug... as far as the thought process behind it, try this one on.... i'm sure you've heard the term "don't blow smoke up my ass"... at some point in the mid 1700's, someone got the bright idea that "tobacco smoke enemas" were great for resuscitating a drowning victim:o...

I like to mix it with bud i hate the taste of all bud whatever kind it is. I only like the smell and high. Anyway you freebased it. Also you had a very mild OD the racing of heart and whatever is fine but the being retarted was you about to have a stroke. I do it all the time.
When i used use blow i would never smoke until i was coming down.. If i smoked while i was blown i would always have extreme anxiety.. One time i had to kick everyone out and lie down if front of my fan. The whole time clutching my cell phone ready to call 911.. I was also sweating perfusely..

I remember when i first started smoking, if i smoked in a room full of people by the end of the blunt i was ready to leave. To me your original post sounds like you just got higher than expected and maybe thought about the blow you smoked last week, sending you into a decent anxiety attack.. Bongs are the most effective way to smoke next to the vaporizer. If it was just normal blow it wouldnt have melted so there shouldnt have been any left in the bowl. Sounds like you just freaked a bit..

If your ears were ringing thats a bit different, ringing ears usually means your is blood pressure spiking. Anxiety alone can do that tho so.....
just a thought...do you use a screen? if so maybe the fine powder got caught in the screen or in resin in the stem and you hit it wit a flame and a shot fired up in ya ...just a thought
Seriously tho, youve heard of people conducting cocaine enemas? How do you even go about doing that? Even the thought process of coming up with something like that is beyond me... To decide all of a sudden you think its a good idea to stick a hose and funnel up your ass and pour in cocaine solution for a buzz. Imagine someone walked in at that perfect moment? AWKWARD!

lmfao is all i gotta say ... just spit my fuggin drink errywhere
So a weird thing started happening not too long ago. I was bored a couple weeks ago so I picked up a lil bag of blow. Throughout the week most of it went up my nose, but towards the end I started to get bored with it so I would sprinkle some in my bongs when I was smoking that green (good mix).

Anyways, about a week later I hit a late night bong and got this strange rush. Almost like a panic attack. Imagine the feeling of being way too retarded, accompanied by a paranoid, speedy rush that sends your heart racing...

Im curious, anyone else experienced this? If not, no biggie, post your own experiences...
yeah bro me and this old dude did a ball of some quality shit. i think we even broke into another ball later that night. at like 4 in the morning we went to my boys apartment and did like 20 milky gravity hits. i got an extreme jittery anxiety feeling coupled with paranoia i might die and my heart started to hurt. i laid in bed for like an hour or 2 trying to slow my breathing to relax. i think the gravity hits made me have some anxiety which got worse with the powder buzz.
Yea, if I learned anything from this whole experience is that herbs and blow dont mix too well. I thought the mix would be perfect, i mean weed gives you that nice buzz, positivity and vividness, and cocaine is supposed to make you energetic and confident. Naturally I thought this would have been revoutionary, but something fucked up with that mixture... maybe weed and coca leaves would work better?
yeah bro me and this old dude did a ball of some quality shit. i think we even broke into another ball later that night. at like 4 in the morning we went to my boys apartment and did like 20 milky gravity hits. i got an extreme jittery anxiety feeling coupled with paranoia i might die and my heart started to hurt. i laid in bed for like an hour or 2 trying to slow my breathing to relax. i think the gravity hits made me have some anxiety which got worse with the powder buzz.

Lol, those fuckin gravity bongs! its the weed equivalent of beer bonging whiskey...