herbs grow


Well-Known Member
plants vedged under 250 hps with no vedge time.. but now switched to a 120w led light.

im building a stealth "micro" closet atm but until i sheet the box im using my old hps cupboard.

i have a thc bomb and a bag seed in dwc. and 2 bag seeds in soil. they are fed on natures own organic and with water from my oscar fishtank.

in maybe week 4-5 now of flower?? im not thrilled with the ressults so far.. but its better than last time.. so thats good??

Q's: how many weeks to go??, anything i can do this late in flower to help yeild that is pretty much a no coster??

next grow i plan to do a sog with this 120 and a few more panels. and see if i can put these nl and bb seeds i got to good use.. soil in small pots and as many as i can fit in the box..



i would suggest you move back to the hps lights. the led's i come to find out, and from my friends' experience, is that theyre pretty much crap for any thing but keeping the mother plants going.


Well-Known Member
yer.. i think ill stick with led.. and up the wattage a little.. for the space ill be growing in it will be the cheapest.. coolest solution..
theres a a few decent led grows floating around...


Well-Known Member
eventually yer.. maybe a 600 or 1000 all cooltubed up n shit .. but led is good .. i still need to get it right before any of that...


fa sho man do whatcha do. but yes a 1000 would be specticular, shit get sooo hot though ha. i personally am a fan of natural sunlight


Well-Known Member
time to do the outdoor on my side of the world..got 3 plants in the yard on seedling

how many weeks to go do u reckon?? doesnt help that my grow room looks like a brothel.. but ??


yeah outside ones can become some monsters. got a top bud pusing 3/4 an oz and the plants only about 2 ft fall. but it started late so it only has like 2 branches on it. haha but i think you have a good month r two before those little ones will be ready.but you know, pick em when the buds look ready


hell yeah its a nice meaty, sticky, rock of a bud. haha has about 2 more weeks to grow too so it might just become huger


Well-Known Member
yer im not expecting mcuh really here.. on the yeild of these ..
if i had to guess id say a disapointing 5-7 grams.. low end .. 20g dry high end..

with this box im building atm. its 3x1x2 1/2 ft high flower chamber and 1x1x2 1/2 ft high vedge.. if i can get that thing doing an oz every few weeks.. that would make me a happy man..


haha i know what you mean. my last plant i harvested i got a mere 7g's. but i sure smoked the shit out of that quad haha and it was killer dank so it was cool. but yes ya gotta get like those guys who get a pound per plant every 50 days ha


Well-Known Member
havested all three.. pretty early.. didnt get much.. maybe 3 - 5 grams??
im vedging a pile of vedge seeds ( tomato, kidney bean, 2 green apple, germnating tobacoo broccoli ect) and 4 bag seeds now.. might do an outdoor grow this summer or until i get the indoor set up right for flower.