Here is my CFL grow.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Congrats on your nice grow so far! I am anxious to see what you produce, your set-up looks very similar to mine... btw- is your setup out of a dresser? Your dimensions added up to about what mine is and I have a couple HPS bulbs in mine and was looking to see if a CFL addition would be worth it. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
No my little grow area is not in a dresser. It is in one of 3 unused areas that i built in, when i built my house. When they are closed up, you cant tale that their is anything going on in those spots. I would say that adding a few cfls as side lighting would be a good idea to use with your HPS light.

Congrats on your nice grow so far! I am anxious to see what you produce, your set-up looks very similar to mine... btw- is your setup out of a dresser? Your dimensions added up to about what mine is and I have a couple HPS bulbs in mine and was looking to see if a CFL addition would be worth it. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
natmoon, I am using 4 little 13watt and 4 22watt soft white bulbs. I am also building a new light setup in a couple days. I will be adding atleast 4 of the 44 or 42watt cfls from Lowes. Or what ever they have in stock. I hope they have some big ones.


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple pics from today. I also added 2 of the Sylvania soft white 23watts. They are rated at 1600 lumens each. The plants are now 44 days old. And are 16 inches tall. They have been flowering for 16 days. I also found some of the mylar type of wrapping foil. I put it on the walls over the aluminum foil i had up. It reflects the light perfectly.



Well-Known Member
Flowering at 19 days. I also got my 2 AK-47 clones. They are already as tall as the 2 plants that i have been growing all this time. I hope they don't get to big. I will post a pic tomorrow of all four plants in the room. The Ak-47's should be done around 3 weeks after the first two. I will get about 4 more clones in a couple weeks and setup a veg and mother room soon. I will grow one of the new clones for a mother and start taking my clones from her. I am just starting to learn the cloning thing.



Well-Known Member
Got bored and got a few more good pics today. The first pic is of the 2 new AK-47 clones that i got about 3 night ago. They are 13inches tall and i stuck them in the flowering room as soon as i got them. I got one transplanted in one of the extra coffie cans that i am using to grow in. I will get the other one transplanted in a couple days. The second pic is of one of the 2 that i grew from seed. I wish i knew for sure what strain they are. The bag was really good smoke, kinda like the AK-47's buzz. This plant is 16 inches tall right now and was topped so i have two tops on this plant and there is buds growing all over this plant. Man i wish i would have cloned this plant. The third pic is of the other one but it is not budding quite like the one in the second pic. It is around 14 inches tall. I will post some pics of the tops on the best plant and some other pics in a minute. I am really enjoying myself right now. This is the first time that i have grown anything. And i think i have been real lucky at this point. I hope the AK's look like this one their 19th day of 12/12 lighting. I say it is their 19th day of flowering because it has been 19 days of 12/12 light. They probably took like 4 or 5 days to show sign of sex.:hump:



Well-Known Member
I called my two girl's Cagney and Lacy. From the old cop show. This is pics of Lacy, from the tops and from different angles. I will post pics of Cagney tomorrow when the lights come on. She really is a slow bitch. She is not showing buds like Lacy is.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. I took the pics right after giving them water. The soil was pretty dry. When would be the ideal time to water them? When the lights just come on or just before the lights go off? And are you talking about the 2 plants that i grew from seed or the 2 new AK clones?


Well-Known Member
OK here is some more pics that i got about 20 minutes ago. The 1st and 2nd pic is of Cagney, she was planted on the same day as Lacy. They are both like 46 days old. As you can see, she is showing bud growth really slow but i hope she will produce more later in the month. The 3rd pic is of my girl Lacy. She is doing so good. And the 4th is of all four plants. One of the new AK clones are showing pistals as of today. The next grow i may just use 4 AK clones in a scrogg setup to utilize the light better. I also got one Afghani seed yesterday. I will be starting that seed before the end of the month. I like the hash that is made from the Afghani's the best. I am really considering going ahead and get the other two areas ready to grow in. I would love to get it to where i could harvest 2 plants every month. I have enough room to make another flowering room and use the 3rd area for mothers and clones. I wish the grow rooms was combined so i had enough room to grow more. But sofar i am more than pleased on how things are going.



Well-Known Member
Right now i am running 4 23watt soft whiter, 2 22watt, and just 2 15watt. I am going to up it to atleast2 more 42watt bulbs. I think that will be just enough for 4 plants. They seem to be doing good with what i have now. Remember this is my first grow ever. I am learning as i go. I know that wat i learn in this grow that i will make all the necessary improvements for the next grow.


Active Member
right on...i am doing a first grow too, and i am running 3 18w for 2 plants. that works out to 27w per plant, and you have 164/4 plants 41 per. i think i might not have enough light, as i am a week from harvest and my yield does not look like it will be huge, so hopefully yours will be more with more light.

good luck