Here is my CFL grow.


Well-Known Member
how many watts/lumens you have over those plants..

I dont know off the top of my head but i will be going to Lowe's real soon so i will look on the package for the lights and add up the total lumens for you. I can tell you that i am only using a total of 162watts of cfls. For a grow room of around 4 square feet of room. I do need to atleast double that in the future. I will get the total lumens soon. Remember i am still in the learning stages of growing. This is my first grow ever.


Well-Known Member
I have posted pics of the light setup. Nothing has changed in the lighting setup. And the exhaust fan is just a pc fan with a ducting connected and routed outside. I cant really get a pic of anything but the fan, That is all that is visible. Same thing for the intake. I should have taken pics while i was installing it all but i did not. Sorry. The 3rd and 4th pic from the other day you can see pretty much a view from outside of the room. You can pretty much see what room i have to work with. I am not posting any pics of the room on the outside due to security reasons. Their is some people out their that i cant trust and if they see it in detail then it won't be stealth anymore. In other words i know some people that get on here and they will recognise where it is in my house so i don't want to get ripped off. Sorry again
Nothing to apologize about. You're being smart by not being too proud/headstrong about your setup to be snapping pics every-which way. Ultimately everybody has to lookout for themselves first and then share whatever they can and feel safe with. I sure as hell wouldn't take any pictures of the outside of my building. The last thing I need is for Chris Hansen to roll up to my door and say that he's filming for NBC Dateline's "To Catch a Grower."


Well-Known Member
That is funny as shit. I just have some ex-friends that i don't trust and they don't know about my grow but they have been in my house before and they will recognise it and i know that they can't be trusted. Hell i even get nervous about posting any pics on a forum like this but as long as i don't show too much than i guess all is safe.


Well-Known Member
That is funny as shit. I just have some ex-friends that i don't trust and they don't know about my grow but they have been in my house before and they will recognise it and i know that they can't be trusted. Hell i even get nervous about posting any pics on a forum like this but as long as i don't show too much than i guess all is safe.
I hear you man, every now and then I get paranoid about the idea of posting on RIU but to be honest, there are so many other ways of getting busted which carry a much higher likelihood that I need to be concerned with so it's just unproductive of me to dwell on it especially considering the wealth of information it and its members have provided me with. RIU at least triples the fun of growing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea ur safe man, the law can care less about ur 4sqft, really they want the 50sqft and up really does attract attention i would say...


Well-Known Member
Yea, i am just paranoid about someone stealing my plants when i am not home. That's all. Just how long do you guys plan on flowering for on your grow? I am thinking maybe 20 more days. That would make it like 60 days of total flowering. I am going to be giving them some molasses for a week or two and then start the flushing for another week.


Well-Known Member
yea ur safe man, the law can care less about ur 4sqft, really they want the 50sqft and up really does attract attention i would say...
Also I think the fact that we're using CFLs plays to our benefit in that 1000w MH or HPS lights really have no legitimate use outside of production whereas a bunch of consumer-grade CFLs can be passed off for any number of uses. It is important to understand however that if information about your 4sqft room got out to the wrong people, that's more worth a LEO's time than say, a noise complaint. If that call goes over dispatch, somebody will respond.


Well-Known Member
im curious, with a cfl grow what is the lumens that should be met in a sqft area...
with the hos and mh.. you would say 250w- in a 2x2 space=4sqft=62w/sqft which is great! but people should average 35-50 at minuim watts per sqft,
what is the "code to live by" with lumens, 3,000 lumes/sqft i mean, how many lumens are we suppose to have per sqft?


Well-Known Member
im curious, with a cfl grow what is the lumens that should be met in a sqft area...
with the hos and mh.. you would say 250w- in a 2x2 space=4sqft=62w/sqft which is great! but people should average 35-50 at minuim watts per sqft,
what is the "code to live by" with lumens, 3,000 lumes/sqft i mean, how many lumens are we suppose to have per sqft?

I am not sure. I guess that the needed lumens would depend on the strain of plant and just how much room it is going to have to spread out to cover the area. Plus how tall the plants are when flowering. I will do a search and try to find out.


Well-Known Member
I read that our Sun puts out around 10k lumens / sq ft. The closest to that you can get the better I'd imagine. You can use Grow Room Tools to calculate your lumens per sq ft.


Well-Known Member
That is pretty cool info. I wish i knew what the total lumens that my light setup is putting out. I think i added it up and put it in this thread some place. I am going back through it and look.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic that you can get an idea of how much more i can raise the light. Next time i will vegg them until they are like 19-20 inches tall. I probably could have doubled my yield if i would have had an idea on just how much they grow in the first couple weeks into flowering. I think that i can grow plants atleast 30-32 inches tall. I guess you live and you learn. But i am still having a blast with these ones. That's what it is all about.

