By god dammit, we should remove airplane licensing and let people buy nuclear arms for personal purposes. Hell, it's damn right un-American to restrict anything! Why not toss your 4 year old the keys to your car so he can go get you some beer! Age restrictions are unconstitutional, and so are licenses!
operating an aircraft is not an enumerated right reserved to the people. the constitution and the framers thereof recognize the need for licensing of various professions,, but NOT a license to exercise an enumerated right.
the government has already overstepped it's authority in numerous areas, not the least of them being cannabis, and now you would trust them to decide what manner of arms you may own?
the fisrt real national "reasonable restrictions" on arms was the 1968 omnibus crime bill, which was sold as a "reasonable" move in response to the assasinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. the "reasonable restrictions" prohibited the transfer and ownership of machine guns (previously available everywhere) sawed off shotguns, and explosives (initially grenades but now any "destructive device", like firecrackers) you may notice (or probably not) that NONE of those arms were used to kill JFK (bolt action rifle) RFK (revolver) or MLK(pump action rifle). if assasination is the reason to ban a weapon type, then pistols should have been banned first, since they are the most popular choice.
Alexander Hamilton- killed by pistol in a duel with Arron Burr (burr was a federalist, espousiing central authority over state sovereignty, so a lefty)
Theodore Roosevelt- shot by pistol weilding anarchist with a .38 revolver (lefty)
Ronald Reagan- shot by Jodie Foster fan club member with a .22 revolver (nutbar, leftyness irrelevant but yes, he was a lefty)
John Lennon- shot with a .38 revolver (nutbar, leftyness irrelevant, but he shot a lefty so it balances out)
James Garfeild- shot with a .442 webley revolver (nutbar, but a righty nutbar, just to spice up the list)
Wiliam McKinley- shot with .32 revolver by an anarchist. (lefty)
Andrew Jackson- beat down his pistol packing would be assassin with his cane. Ol Hickory was a Badass. (run of the mill nutbar)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt- shot at by anarchist with a .32 pistol (lefty on lefty action, thats hot)
Harry Truman- two Puerto Rican Pistoleros tried to pop him, with expected levels of competence, and resultant expected levels of success. (non lefty, go figure)
Richard Nixon- pistol packing pansy planned to pop the president, but checkened out and instead he went to georgia and shot George "Segregation Forever" Wallace. (just a nutbar)
Gerald Ford- Daffy Mansonite Squeaky Fromme, and equally nutty Sarah Moore both tried to cap him with revolvers, (both were wacky ultralefties.)
Jimmy Carter- shiitty president gets shitty assassins, armed with a blank friring starter pistol (??) used by a dumbass drifter and a mexican illegal alien, charges against both were dropped, since killing carter would not have been a crime (unsure of leftism)
looking at this list we should ban revolvers and leftism before we look at machine guns and shotguns. your failed thoughts fail miserably.
"nuclear arms" are so difficult to manufacture that even most nations desiring these weapons are unable to build them without extensive help. banning nuclkear arms would be like banning ladders to heaven. retarded.
the US already strictly controls fissionable materials. controlling fissionable materials is NOT arms control, and without fissionable material there are no nuclear weapons. your hysterical and obvious reductio ad absurdum proposes that controlling fissionable materials is the same as banning my sig is not only ridiculous but insultingly weak.
our rights are enumerated to protect us from government, not to protect government from us. your kneejerk insistence that we must all be made safe by removing the sinister presence of "weapons" is foolish, since weapons can be bought in foreign lands and smuggled in. Mexico has extensive laws regarding firearms, but that hasnt reduced the ability of the cartels and even random criminals from acquiring all the arms they desire. even mexican army weapon depots are getting knocked over like a 7-11.
banning guns is for the benefit of the government, not for the safety of the people, every action by every nation EVER to disarm the populace has been a measure to increase control over the subject population, as the oppressors fear an armed populace, but they fear MORE that actually having to fire on their freinds and family will break the hold they have on the military. Thats why most dictatorships organize troops by regional commands, so they can bring in strangers to put down rebellions, this is why we, the US and civilized nations do NOT regionalize our military command, so no local commander can order his troops to fire on a crowd without facing the possibility of mutiny.