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Active Member
somebody please clear this up....
isnt 20 psi way too much c02 for a small closet space grow, ive been tellin my buddy that is way too much c02 for a 4x5 closet space...he is using a beer tap c02 regulator and im trying to tell him that he needs a different kind of c02 regulator, can any experienced growers clear this up for us so that i can keep him from killing his plants
If I can help anyone thats unsure about problems..

I will try my best to give you a simple solution to your problems
I just bought an ebb n flow table for 10 plants. Ive been doing tons of research and havent found anything out about the timing cycles for flooding the system..... is this just basically a trial and error type thing, or is there a suggested timing for it.

chronic Joe

im trying to find out if im in preflower still or in the start of flowering, my plants(all female) have been showing pistils for almost if not longer than two weeks, the tips of most of the branches are getting hard and seem almost like very tiny buds forming, is this bud or am I a little too eager LoL. please let me know and thank you. also they were grown from feminized seeds bought online.


Active Member
Okay guys second grow smaller space please take a look any 1 give me some ideas 2 100watt cfls and a 18'' fluoresent light that is daylight 3 computer fan's 2 intake 1 outtake it's 3ft*3ft*3ft i need to know what else i can do to make it better:leaf:



Active Member
Yea don't use that beer tap. i had done that to my first grow. a buddy said it would work 2 days later it was dead? no shit and the closet i was growing in was 6x6. find a diffrent regulator and lower psi level way to high but do what u want. it may r may not die if you do hope for the best cause thats a shits load i haven't grew that much but i know enough not to do that?
hey im a first time grower i have a 4x4 grow tent with 4 plants in 5 gallon pots with soil and a 400 watt medal halilide they are doing good but all of a sudden the temp. is sky rocketing 100 110 how can i cool it with spending as little money as possible.

UK smoker

hi need a bit of help. my plants are 9 days old and there growin quite tall . how far should they be from the light (envirolite 125w blue) . i started at about 80 cm for the first few days then put at 50cm i checked them this mornin and some of them look top heavy . is this due to the plant chasing the light . should the light be closer thanks


What size Sun Hut grow tent would I use for either 20 Sog plants or 8 more mature plants. If you would also recommend 4 or 5 different sog strains . I love Sativa dom species.'

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
i got a tt150 fan that has a huge power to suck out hot air and is working great better than my old one i was using i noticed the temps went down instantly and the humidity i used to have a dehumidifier in my room dont need it no more due to the air this thing moves trust its a well worth investment after all there your babies. good luckwith your grow sweet widdow

take a look at my 2 nd grow im doing its gonna be a big yielder

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
the lights should be approx 3 inches from tops if the lights you are using dont throw off much heat im using cool white flueresent lights to start my babies which dont realy throw off much heat but work well you dont want them to stretch to much


ok well here we go I got some red stems i mean red there dark blood red stems on alot of leaves and red veins running down the main stems. Check out my thread on my grow I got a full rundown on what im using if you have any questions on details please let me know so that it helps in discovering if im doing anything else wrong. thanks much.


Well-Known Member
i live with my girlfriend in a two bedroom apartment, i would like to grow a few plants (SOG method) in a bedroom closet. my only comcern is, do i have to worry alot about apartment workers snooping around in my apartment? i have never lived in an apartment so im not sure what to expect. I have been here a little less than 2 months and havent had anyone want to come in unless i request it.....So lets say i decide to grow a few plants in this small closet, if i have an emergency and must move the plants, how long will they survive with no light? i would prob have to put them in boxes and put them in my car/trunk to think of a new place to move them....I would like to tryout the UFO LED 90 watt for my flowering, and a fluorescent for my mother plant. i will have only 2 square feet for the mother and i will have just enough room to have 6 square foot pots for flowering.Any suggestions or advice?


how do i change my lights and chems for flowering? im using soil with daylight florescent 18/6 i kno its 12/12 for flowering and the warm bulbs but do i just change all 4 at once or half and chems do i dilute them or just switch


Okay, here's one. I've got some White Rhino and some Mint both growing in soil. They are currently in the veg stage, 18 hours a day, under a 1k metal halide. Temp stays steady from about 74f lights off to about 78f when the lights are on. Humidity is about 30-40% with plenty of fresh air.
They start out looking good and growing like I would expect, but recently, the newer growth is all starting to turn lime green, the leaves are curling under, but not curling and cupping/canoeing like a typical nute burn. All of the new growth is remaining very small and the stems a somewhat purple, while the stalks are even more pronounced in their "purpleness" and are quiet woody. I've been feeding them with a good veg fert at about 800 ppm, but I have a feeling my problem, once again, is the Ph of the soil. Last time I checked the runoff it was only about 6.0-6.2 maybe a bit lower. I don't want to try and just throw more nutes at the problem, and when I first prepared the potting soil I added the recommened amount of dolomite lime to help bring up the soil Ph, but it doesn't really appear to be doing the job.
I also don't want to start throwing epsom salts at it if it's an Mg lockout problem casued by the low Ph. If you think it's the soil Ph that's causing this problem, do you have a suggestion on how to get the Ph up? If you think it's something else, I'm interested on your input about that as well.
I don't have any currect pics, but could get some loaded up in short order if my description as to my problem isn't clear enough.

** A couple of more things, the leaves are really ridgy, kind of like a Ruffles potato chip, but obviously not as pronounced. They're not flat and smooth as they started out originally. They also appear to have lost they're luster and look somewhat dull/dry, but not crispy. They just aren't nice and green and supple as a healthy plant would be.

Thanks in advance for your help.
i am new to growing and have a few questions. first of all... what is the best soil to use? what are the best plant nutrients to use? and also how often should i water and indoor stealth box plant

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
- plant 1
- plant 1 is this plant ready to harvest :) plz help.. and
is this normal ? i never seen bud like this.. and my other plant im wondering when it will be ready to harvest ? ->