Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

Soil was a mixture of Ocean Forest and Bx pro-mix
Approximately 4 gallons of soil was used in a 5 gallon grow bag.
Plants were fed one time with general hydorponics now I'm on the advanced program.
Tell me what you think.


I am currently vegging 36 under 2 1000 w MH, reflectors are 8" sealed hoods. I am leagal for 72 but I don't have my ventillation hooked up so I can't hook up any more lights. During full swing there will be 72 plants in various stages of the flowering cycle under 8 1000 w HPS (Lights have 20 in from eye hook to glass). Currently the area is quite large an open but it will be cut in half and one side will be used for drying and trimming and the other for the flowering (20 ft x 13 ft x 7.25 ft). A caregiver friend of mine mailed the seeds back from Amsterdam while on study abroad and has been keeping the strands alive since then (AK, WW, NL) Lemon Cake was from the same caregiver; I saw the finished medicine and decided to grow these 4 strands from clone.

The majority of clones arrived healthy but were nursed back into good health. However, due to backorders, I wasn't able to transplant my plants until slightly later than I wanted to. I think they are fairly healthy right now except for a few that are still recovering. Temperature today was 71-77 F with RH 38-44% (This osb is sucking the moisture right out of the room ... going to use visqueen as soon as my fans can be installed .... heat builds up to quickly if I line the room right now. Also I'm running AC constantly so that also drops it.
The half empty board on the wall is missing the 8 Light 40 amp trigger box that attaches to the real power supply for the room. (40 amps for the lights) 20 amps for fans and misc. I need another 20 amps for AC but right now they are running on non new install wire and I'm trying to beef up the wires to ensure saftey for the

Nutrients are mixed using a Hydrologic stealth 200 RO system with a Hanna-Instument 9813 Gro-Chek Meter (I kind of like it, but I am still skeptical on the quality. Anyone know about this meter?) I mix my nutrients, now sensigrowAB and a little voodo juice as per the advanced nuturients website calculator. I'm not exactly sure how my feeding schedule should go though right now the feed is around 1050 ppm pH 6.3-6.4 and I have been tilling the top inch or so of dirt before watering. I have been giving them a 500 mL/day (roughly 100 mL/gallon of soil/day). Is this ok. How often should I flush the nutrients out? Do I just give a flush before I change to blooming nutes?

When the poly goes up I am going to plug the CO2 tank in (50 lbs) to the XGC. It has a fuzzy logic to control the levels of CO2 in the room.
Do they look healthy? I fed them once on general hydroponics before feeding them sensigrow and I am just hoping there are no chemical reactions between the different fertilizers or build up of nutrients.
IMG_0894.jpgIMG_0892.jpgIMG_0895.jpg7.15 plants were watered with at least 2L of water pH 6.4, ppm <100. This is a part of my feed water water cylce. There is a thunderstorm today 20 MPH gust, I hope the power doesn't go out :(IMG_0893.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeh they look healthy. I also have a fuzzy logic and love it. I gota go but will spend more time reading your thread a little later and hope I can help with any questions. Looks like you went ALL OUT for this set-up. very sweet.
Temperature 71-78 F; RH 45-50%. The power did go out... luckily I was in the middle of watering my plants and I was able to pull my ballast out of the socket before they tried to restart to quickly (Magnetic ballasts). Green lights were installed to continue working in the dark while the bulbs cooled down. The bulbs have been on 24 hrs and I was going to leave the lights off for a 6 hour period but the power came back on nearly instantly and the blackout would have put my night cycle in the naturally lower temperatures so I turned them back on when the bulbs cooled. When the power surged back on it kicked the the breaker for my AC units. Breaker reset; AC still works. I need more surge protectors....or a delay switch

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Temperature 71-78 F; RH 45-50%. The power did go out... luckily I was in the middle of watering my plants and I was able to pull my ballast out of the socket before they tried to restart to quickly (Magnetic ballasts). Green lights were installed to continue working in the dark while the bulbs cooled down. The bulbs have been on 24 hrs and I was going to leave the lights off for a 6 hour period but the power came back on nearly instantly and the blackout would have put my night cycle in the naturally lower temperatures so I turned them back on when the bulbs cooled. When the power surged back on it kicked the the breaker for my AC units. Breaker reset; AC still works. I need more surge protectors....or a delay switch
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7.17 prep day
Ventilation holes were drilled and lights were hung for exhaust. Plants were flushed with 3-4 L of water; the runoff was around 5.8 pH of the water has always been 6.3. Is this a problem. I did buy the beneficial mycorrhizae (soil) and bacteria (voodoo juice) would they cause the runoff to change slightly or do I need to flush more?

6 lights and the power box were hooked up and plugged in to electricity. My temp is up a 76-83 F; I have another fan than I want to duct in line but I need some more of those worm clamps and some self-tapping screws...ahhh the little things. But the lighting has been upgraded to 1 1000 watt light/ 6 ladies. I also ran out of MH bulbs so I put the plants that were still the smallest under the two MH bulbs plenty of HPS though. The garden is going to be flipped in 1 week or less to 12/12.

temperature was better today because of a nice cold front that came through; 73-78.

Temp 79-83. I still haven't been able to put that extra fan into the duct work so it is still a little hot. I think I'm going to put in a dark cycle during the hottest part of the day to cool the temperatures down. Want to find the hottest part of the day in the house so far it is looking like 2-10 or 1-9



Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to cry, this is beautiful.... it's going to stink so wonderfully in their so soon...
My girl friend took her camera so I can't post any pictures 'til she comes back from vacation but I have been doing some work.
I installed that the green inline fan into the loop to increase the air speed in the hoods on the right. This fan is blowing through the hoods while the larger 8 inch fan is sucking through the rest.
I switched plants from 24/0 to 18/6 due to the recent high temperatures and anticipation of more rising temps. This house (stone house with wooden loft above it) starts to lose the coolness of the night at around 2pm and then continues to rise as the cinder blocks absorb more heat from the sun. 1
My next improvement will be to to place those big ugly ballast in the dead air space behind the white wall on the right. I want to place them on a shelf A patient of mine was surprised when he came to see
--the plants, he couldn't believe that the aroma was just from plants vegging.
correction -- plants were switched to 18/6 on 7.21

Question: When I switch to 12/12 if the dark cycle is 2pm-8pm do I make the new dark period 11am-11pm , 2pm-2am, or 8am-8pm?

--on a shelf... and I put my carbon filter in between the two rows of plants and I have it blowing straight up to the ceiling with no ducting to circulate air. I want to hang it on the ceiling and duct it to blow across the ballast in the dead air space.

Question: I want to have these ballast in that dead air space area but it can reach 110F in there because the air is stagnant. Q1: Will plumbing the filtered air into that room (it does have 2 or three roof vents in it) will push enough air out the vent holes of the roof vents (435 cfm)? and Q2: will that air blowing on the ballast keep them cool enough in the dead air space if it is still 90ish?

Thanks for the help, advice, praise, and rep. I will keep posting if people stay watching. I can't wait to flip these ladies to flower :)
--the plants, he couldn't believe that the aroma was just from plants vegging.
correction -- plants were switched to 18/6 on 7.21

Question: When I switch to 12/12 if the dark cycle is 2pm-8pm do I make the new dark period 11am-11pm , 2pm-2am, or 8am-8pm?

--on a shelf... and I put my carbon filter in between the two rows of plants and I have it blowing straight up to the ceiling with no ducting to circulate air. I want to hang it on the ceiling and duct it to blow across the ballast in the dead air space.

Question: I want to have these ballast in that dead air space area but it can reach 110F in there because the air is stagnant. Q1: Will plumbing the filtered air into that room (it does have 2 or three roof vents in it) will push enough air out the vent holes of the roof vents (435 cfm)? and Q2: will that air blowing on the ballast keep them cool enough in the dead air space if it is still 90ish?

Thanks for the help, advice, praise, and rep. I will keep posting if people stay watching. I can't wait to flip these ladies to flower :)