Here we go

Tangie, you're gonna have to give more than one sentence to convey your point.

I'm all for a balanced budget. But North Korea is armed with nukes. And they are developing the means to deliver them here. And they are openly telling us that they will nuke us when they can. And they are ruled by a young, immature, entitled fat kid.

Why the fuck shouldn't we believe the fucking bastards when they tell us that?

Minor war now, or major war later. It's our choice. I vote for the minor war now.

Magic 8-ball says: China
This will end badly. And the Democrat elected in 2020 will have to clean it up while the righties say it's our fault.

Deja Vu all over again. War is hell.

Um, He was just following how Hillary said she'd handle them..?

I'm really happy I live in one of the farthest places away from the US and still be in the US.
I knew this was coming, but I thought it would take a little while longer than it did. It's just a typical response of a Republican POTUS (Nixon, Reagan,both father and son Bush) when their poll numbers are in the shitter. Trump probably said if it worked for them, it can work for me (and it will) I just hope it doesn't end up costing too many American soldiers lives, like some of the thousand or so that are in Syria now fighting ISIS.
Payback can be a bitch, but fuck it right? War is the American way, isn't it?
Trump getting things done, while you keyboard warriors spit out your nonsensical spam as usual. Get out of this country, fucking unpatriotic idiots.

Getting things done.....lo fucking l. thanks.... Now I'm cleaning my screen off.
How many golfing vacations has DT taken now? I believe it's up to eighteen in eleven weeks. All on tax payers dime, but no bigly, just getting things done, fore....
Wow. Super compelling.

1 x Tomahawk missile = $1.59 million
59 x Tomahawk missile = ~$94 million

The estimated cost to resettle an average, single Middle Eastern refugee in the U.S. over the first five years is $64,370.
Cost to resettle 1,460 refugees over 5 years = ~$94 million

Seems like a good use of money! Killed around 6 ppl I read. Go 'merica!


Edit: typo
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Trump getting things done, while you keyboard warriors spit out your nonsensical spam as usual. Get out of this country, fucking unpatriotic idiots.
Trump (is, you illiterate twat ) getting things done? Like what you dumb as fuck Trumptard? Like blowing Putin's cock, who without his help he wouldn't be POTUS ? Like gutting the EPA? Like eliminating programs designed to help children, the elderly, women and the disadvantaged?
You go fight in the wars Trump is starting to create you supposed patriot. You get out of this country, and go fight in Syria asshole, and die there to make America great again. Right?
The runways they left completely untouched and only destroyed old Syrian fucking wind-up clockwork piece of shit planes?

i'm not sure they even did that.

assad is already back to using chemical weapons in the damascus suburbs today. this time chorine gas, the agent used in mustard gas.