here we grow again!!!...ebb & grow


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking healthy! I like where you moved the dwc clone bucket too. Looks like magic lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I meant to say less than 3 weeks lol (I'm a burnt guy) it was 16 days lol but anywho I decided to put them in flower tomorrow. I let them get 1000w for the past 3 days and they have gotten up to about 10" so I think they are ready. They are only 10" but they are nice and wide lol I'm pretty exited, pics to come tomorrow:)


Well-Known Member
screw it guys i decided to snap some pics tonight lol. hope you guys enjoy and are all having a awesome night.

new arrivals to veg

look at this northern lights clone just going crazy (its as old as the ones in veg lol)

the new arrivals to flower

existing flowering

group shot

and thats all folks lol.



Well-Known Member
thanks phil, ya that is perpetual. the 6 ladies in pic 10 on the left are the ones that where vegging and just put in today. the others are right at around 4 weeks flower:)


Well-Known Member
Dope! These ladies are looking huge from the last time I got to lay my eyes on them