Here we grow...


Well-Known Member
Here's what I know about the leaves on the bottom having a hard time: The fan blowing on them (oscillating) is a little close and strong, but I wouldn't think it would hurt the few leaves it's hitting hardest (not as bad as it is anyway), plus it's helping cool and strengthen a plant I need to be strong. It's long stretchy arms are gonna be hard to hold up, some tops are sorta doing the lean now and there's more than 2 months left.
Those leaves aren't getting enough light. 400 watts isn't that much when you get that far down underneath the light especially in the shade of such a large plant above you, so I know that's contributing to their demise.
Other than that, I have no clue, I can guess that I've fed them something incorrectly, but I can just guess it's the open sesame that I gave them the first time when I water (that one time) with just water and open... but even then, the first leave with the type of damage was noticed right as I did that. So even that theory doesn't hold much water. We're only talking about maybe 10 leaves out of like 500 but this is getting worse, not better. Fortunately, the buds keep getting fluffier everyday, this is one stretchy plant, even it's flowers are all stretched out as they grow, at least it's growing! Total Sativa.


Well-Known Member
Watered with one gallon of water w/ 1tsp Epson salt ph'ed to 6.6

Lets see if this really helped:

Magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and serves as a cofactor in most enzymes.
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins. Notice how the veins remain somewhat green though as can be seen in figure 15.
Notice how in Figure 16 and 17 the leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.
Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients."


Well-Known Member
LST'ed this morning, became necessary. I was gentle and only lowered it a few inches, I'll have to follow up soon with something else, (just a temp fix).
lower grow issue should hopefully be under control now, only time will tell. Buds are looking good. If they keep growing at this rate until they are done, I'm gonna be a happy man.


Well-Known Member
1 1/4 tsp Tiger Bloom
1/2 tbsp + 1 tsp Bloom
weak 1 tsp Grow
1/8 tsp Beastie
6.37 ph (ph after nutes - no up, down added)
972 ppm
watered with almost the entire gallon.

Here's a picture of the growth that has died and fallen off, I think it is a Magnesium deficiency. I am trying to correct it and feed it more P at the same time to bulk up the flowers... knowing this could also tell me more about the minerals in my drinking water. More on that later.
The temps average 79 degrees with about 50% humidity, these temps pictured are the spiked conditions when the door is opened for a min.

I can't wait to see that root ball underneath that stalk.


Well-Known Member
Here's some growth, the best at the top, and way down at the bottom, the worst of the bad.

Ohh and here's a couple nugs of joy to put in my pipe while I wait on lady sativa.... bout two months doesn't sound to bad now...

Picture 010 is awesome! I got a bonus round bud! I wish every node had growth like that! :)


Well-Known Member
The buds growing are not the buds that are dried, the dried buds are a strong indiga strain from down the block, different strain altogether. The stuff growing, Thai Super Skunk, it a strong sativa, and is hopefully going to be some of the strongest cannabis I've ever smoked in my entire life. It better be with all the time it takes to flower this sucka. 3 months of flowering, at least, 3 months! that's not including veg. If those buds keep growing for the next two months though, I'll patiently wait it out with Mrs. Indiga from down the block! Thanks for the compliment!


Well-Known Member
Thai is a real stretcher, there is not much you can do about that. But you set up needs tweaked. Take the inline and have it on the outside of tent or on left side of hood, connect to hood with hose then on right side make one bend (45) and attach filter there (not a 180 bend). Now air will pull from filter through one 45 angle, then across light and out inline/tent. That will help our temps major like.


Well-Known Member
In an attempt to correct the issue, albeit minor, here's what I did this morning.

I ran roughly two 6 gallon buckets of city water from my hose through the pot, PH should be about the same as in the house from the tap, about a high 7 ph.
I then ran another 4 litter bucket full of well water through the pot, about ph 4.6
and to top it off I watered with one more gallon of PH'ed well water at about 6.59 ppms 160 right from the ground.
I sucked up all the run off water in a shop vac, I had to empty it 3 times and it's a 6 gallon tank.

I hope that this will help flush out whatever might have been out of balance.. in a few days I'll start back in with my nutes again, at this point I'm heading to the forums to try and find out exactly what kinda schedule I should start with .


Well-Known Member
Thai is a real stretcher, there is not much you can do about that. But you set up needs tweaked. Take the inline and have it on the outside of tent or on left side of hood, connect to hood with hose then on right side make one bend (45) and attach filter there (not a 180 bend). Now air will pull from filter through one 45 angle, then across light and out inline/tent. That will help our temps major like.
Golden, I will certainly take that advice and move around my ducting and scrubber. I'm not sure if it would be a even 45 degree angle because the scrubber is so long, it might end up being more than a 90 degree turn but still that's not as bad as 180. Temps aren't really a problem for me right now, but if I could be doing something more efficiently then I'd like too. Eventually I want to remove the ducting going out of the tent altogether and install a couple 6 inch iceboxes and introduce CO2 to the girls, but I've got some basics I need to get right before I start investing in 500 dollar chillers and pumps and co2... wit h your help and other alike you'll see this environment grow from a mediocre first attempt to a ideal cannabis sanctuary! :)


Well-Known Member
LST'ed this morning, became necessary. I was gentle and only lowered it a few inches, I'll have to follow up soon with something else, (just a temp fix).
lower grow issue should hopefully be under control now, only time will tell. Buds are looking good. If they keep growing at this rate until they are done, I'm gonna be a happy man.
nice plants they look nice and healthy keep it up :) :) :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Golden,, but I've got some basics I need to get right before I start investing in 500 dollar chillers and pumps and co2... wit h your help and other alike you'll see this environment grow from a mediocre first attempt to a ideal cannabis sanctuary! :)
That's true growing there. Get it all dialed in and move forward. Can't wait to see how this all progress's.


Well-Known Member
Here's where we stand.This is the lost growth since the last time it was photographed. Also some flower shots and a wide out shot, it amazes me how well this plant fits this tent. Dirt is still damp from the flush. She smells like a skunk and a dark chocolate bar makin' woopie.


Well-Known Member
plant had visible signs of water pressure loss, slight drooping.

Gave her a 6.37 ph 'pre-drink' of RO water, about 1/4 - 1/3 a gallon

smoked a bowl of sticky icky.

Then mixed all this up into a jug and gave her the first Feeding:
1 gallon R/O
1/4 tsp Grow
1/2 tsp Tiger
1 tsp Big Bloom
1/4 tsp Cal-Mag
1/16 tsp Beastie Blooms
It came out too: 527 ppm 6.76 ph
I dropped in about a 4th a tsp of ph down to drop it to 6.46

When I went back about an hour later to feed her she had already perked back up and was more focused on the light. The buds look incredible but are only popcorn so far, I'm anxious to see the buds form colas and get some girth. Roughly two months now, only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Here's basically all that this plant is about, I said a little while back that there were about 100 bud sites like this all over the plant, this holds true and they grow everyday, i can't wait to see how big they are gonna get. also here's a shot of the same little guys going all the way up one of the colas.


Well-Known Member
The buds on the very ends of the sticks are starting to kinda grow together and form what for the longest time I thought was a thai stick, lol
I thought Thai weed, growing on a stick, was it. Only later did I find out that it was weed but it was usually tied to a stem or skewered by it, and then dipped in opium or hash oil. Now, the hash oil, I may not have trouble with, but opium? Pass.
This will just be my version of a thai stick I guess, actually growing on the stick. If I'm judging correctly then the dirt is about a day away from getting as dry as it should, I actually might even water it tonight if it looks like it needs it, just plain R/O water or well water though? Would giving it the great stinky smelling well water do something bad? I fed with cal-mag last time, that was new, what if it doesn't like the extra sulfur in the water? I think I need to go to a thread and see if anyone knows.
ok, maybe once.


Well-Known Member
Watered with about 2 gallons of PH'ed well water, 6.36,
good run off as well.
I guess I'm not out of the woods yet though, this issue is still traveling up, new growth still looks optimal as far as my untrained eye can tell.