Well-Known Member
looks great..have the hairs started to slow down? or is it just keep growing?
Honestly the tops that began new growth are still growing, though they have slowed down a little. The white hairs are still popping out and hardly any of the new growths hairs are orange yet, just a couple.
Like I was saying before, judging when this plant should come down is going to be a matter of getting it when the new is just barely old enough and the old is not too far gone too still be good. I figure that there is a lot more older growth than newer growth on this plant so I better cater to it a little more than the new growth. The older growth is looking soooo good, I absolutely can not wait until I can pull one of these colas out of a jar where it's been curing for a month and break off a piece to share with my friends. Here's the last pics of the new growth before I harvest, I'll take more for sure then....