Marijuana does not expand ones life. There is no evidence that it subtracts time from ones life either, but that does not mean it prolongs it. It simply mean it does not subtract your time on Earth. So, the theory already has minor errors within, as cannabis can be used for a medical purpose, most users are using it for recreational/personal use rather then medical, & most who hold a license for medical reasons are still using it for personal rather then medical, because the hard-truth is, most people abuse the policy & get a card to make it legal, not to "heal" they're pains.
I would say 3 in every 5 people holding a card, are using it for personal reasons & obtained a card to make it "legal" for themselves. I also don't buy the fact that "You can't get one without a dr. approval so these people are suffering..." I have a card & it only took 10-minutes in-&-out of the office, $120.00 later, plus $80.00 to see me. My condition? Back pains... what was your excuse?
So, in all, I would say the government is keeping marijuana illegal for the reason that if they did legalize it, it would make them look awfully idiotic to say the least. Imagine, we legalize it, & everything these "potheads" have been saying about it not being dangerous, ends up showing on the statistics that we were right, it is harmless, it makes the government look foolish to ban it all these years, decades in fact, only to show they were wrong in they're theories, beliefs, & made up facts/lies. The government is more on protecting all the lies they have made of marijuana then they are of anything.
If the government looks as if they were wrong, & all these "studies" they supposedly performed, & all these people who were effected by marijuana, all comes up false, that none of this was ever the case, the public opinion will question what else has the government lied about? It's not like they can just say "We lied..." & they certainly can't say "We were wrong for the past however many decades in our studies..." they have no escape-goat, no excuse, it's a lose-lose situation for them. If they do say they were wrong, the public opinion then questions what else are they wrong about?
So what are they suppose to say, we lied or we were wrong...? You want to know why the government hasn't legalized it, is because of that. They have dug a hole to deep to climb out of at this point. The only way the government will allow themselves to legalize it, is if they see bigger $ signs that will basically say, "Fuck it, we lied we were wrong, who cares, look it all this green were making now..." because as much as the government hates to be wrong, they love money more.
This topic will be covered in next months issue of Roots Magazine, check us out.