Here's A Head Scratcher Of A Quote


Well-Known Member
A blind man told me he dreams usually about him just having conversations and different social events. If they are born blind, they have no idea what sight is even like, no comprehension at all, so they don't see black.

They don't see anything, they do not have the sense.


The Gardener
just close your eyes a sec and u get a image its not black that you are seeing really thats just what your mind is telling you

Crunchy Calpol

Active Member
nah when i close my eyes some seriously freaky shit starts goin on, like say if im goin to bed and just close my eyes, i wont know if there open closed or if im asleep or awake. start seein peple in the bed room and start freakin out then just to snap outa it and be like what the fuck was that. a constant happening for me now for the past 4 months. think i need help or just more smoke haha


The Gardener
Insomnia is a mother fcker LOL

I be that stoned at night king kong could be swinging of my light shade and i wouldent give a shit haha

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
dude, chrunchy, I know how freaky it is to not know weather your eyes are opened or closed. I totally spased out when I was stoned once and thought I went blind. when I'm drunk though it's kinda fun to try and figure out if they're opened or closed.


Well-Known Member
I know this is off topic, but I got some weed from a blind man before. Ironically, it was some of the most colorful buds I have ever seen. He grew it too. He said he didn't know what kind it was either.

Don't ask me how he did it. To this day I still don't know.


Well-Known Member
Someone told me once that they had seen something on tv about blind people gaining their sight. I guess there are different types of blindness, and one can be fixed with surgery. Most people here in the US get the surgery as soon as they find out that the baby has that kind of blindness. So a bunch of these doctors went to third world countries and performed these operations on people who had been blind their whole life. Apparently they all totally flipped out because it was so much sensory overload that they just didn't know how to process. Can you even imagine that? What seeing things for the VERY first time would be like? I think about that a lot when I get stoned....crazy.


Well-Known Member
I know this is off topic, but I got some weed from a blind man before. Ironically, it was some of the most colorful buds I have ever seen. He grew it too. He said he didn't know what kind it was either.

Don't ask me how he did it. To this day I still don't know.
I bet he could tell the difference between the males and females based on smell.


Active Member
My best friends brother is and has been blind sence birth, and he does drugs with us, and we chat about what he feels like alot. He says when he smokes pot, he says he gets this feeling, he doesnt know what it is, if it is sight or not, because he doesnt know what sight is, he said he gets a feeling of sound in his head, and we gave him a pencil, and he was drawing things that he had never seen, i mean they were not perfect, they were like a kindergardener drew them, but we saw a tree, and what looked like a bird, and when we took acid he said he didnt like it he said he couldnt balance it felt like he was walking on a trampleen, he didnt see any images, he said his eyes felt like they were being dried out and they itched alot.. again he doesnt know what he saw because he doesnt know what seeing is, and when we had him try to draw what se saw,, he kinda drew a cloud. but it also coulda been squigges and connected the 2 ends by chance


Well-Known Member
^^^^ thats really fascinating, blind people really experience drugs in a completely different way, they dont have the visual element so maybe they get more of the other aprt, the mindfuck associated with some weed or some crazy variations with other drugs, they cant even comprehend sight, jsut like we cannot comprehend synesthesia ( when your brain allows you to see smells or hear colors, its a psychological disorder where your sensory pathways are crossed or something)

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
A blind man told me he dreams usually about him just having conversations and different social events. If they are born blind, they have no idea what sight is even like, no comprehension at all, so they don't see black.

They don't see anything, they do not have the sense.
thats pretty crazy, what nothingness looks like :S

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
My best friends brother is and has been blind sence birth, and he does drugs with us, and we chat about what he feels like alot. He says when he smokes pot, he says he gets this feeling, he doesnt know what it is, if it is sight or not, because he doesnt know what sight is, he said he gets a feeling of sound in his head, and we gave him a pencil, and he was drawing things that he had never seen, i mean they were not perfect, they were like a kindergardener drew them, but we saw a tree, and what looked like a bird, and when we took acid he said he didnt like it he said he couldnt balance it felt like he was walking on a trampleen, he didnt see any images, he said his eyes felt like they were being dried out and they itched alot.. again he doesnt know what he saw because he doesnt know what seeing is, and when we had him try to draw what se saw,, he kinda drew a cloud. but it also coulda been squigges and connected the 2 ends by chance
wow! that is really fascinating :D

seeing as your buddys brother has been blind since birth, does he manage to find his way around places alright? like can he go places on his own?