Here's a random ? THC increase

hefty m

anyone heard of a product that was recently taken off the shelves that was supposed to increase thc levels????


Well-Known Member
anyone heard of a product that was recently taken off the shelves that was supposed to increase thc levels????
Maybe you should try piss as bong water 2 it will increase your high by like 100,000,000!!!!!!



New Member
Well alot of plants products say thell increas the Oil content i belive its done by stressing your plants midly is whay the add says i dont know ive herd old timeres say that if you put a nail through the trunk of your plant it well increase you reisn ...Same Guy told me though That stressing makes your plant better it lowers yeild ...Might be possible could also hert your plant ..Ive aslo herd dont know if its true but that plants make more Reisn if the hummitey is low cause it frost its self over to prevent water loss or somthing i dont know but a lot of sources ive read says to lower the hummitey tawds the middle of flower to help resin of Kief production .. hope this help ?