Here's my elephant in a 18 gallon and another strain in a 17 gallon

im not saying anything about the base. Say they were setup against the wall (hypothetical) going from left to right have the lights at increasing height and rotate theplants as they get taller move them along the cycle and introduce your new younger plants to the proper height light. Mixed withtopping and lst youll get what youre looking for in size
How much space should a plant in a 5 gallon have? I know now is not much as there is no or little bud, also how much weight should the scrog hold, with like 20 plants under it? I was thinking this shit is going to get heavy really quick, when I water there's a good hundred gallons I better start adding more support to the frame, and scrog, tips appreciated!

Also how in the hell am I going to move these once they grow into this? I can't so I might get a light mover to save a few hundred instead of adding 1-2 more raptor hoods. I'm curious would it be dumb to have 3 raptor hoods in a 1000 watt lights, in the 14x11 not including the vertical lighting? Should I just stick to 2 of them hoods and even the light out. I know my eyes hurt like no other and were giving me a headache, glasses are a for sure life saver.
Who the fuck is talking negatively about jewish people!?!?!?! I'm jewish and I take offense to it lol. The only people allowed to knock jewish people are jewish people themselves. On a side note I found the phrase that your 18 gallon pot is busting open from a monster plant pretty funny. More is not always better. Before you waste more money on raptors, advanced nutes, etc. step your grow game up and come as if you wanna learn instead of brag and you would get a better reaction from people.
It seems he thinks the more money you have spent on your grow room the more experienced grower you are....
Better to start small my friend.
There is not much need to brag how much money you have spent..
But seriously, what's the point in this thread? It's in the indoor grow section, maybe it should've been in the grow journal To begin with and now it's worthy of 'marijuana plant problems'. Does he know he should be returning 1g/ Watt?? Or is it 1/g per litre of soil?
Ya I agree this thread should me in Marijuana Plant Problems. From the look of the pics, those girls look abused. Don't go patting yourself on the shoulder just yet. Also I have yet to see this "elephant"... I see only a sad looking mj garden that needs much improvement before you go boasting about a weak looking setup.
The pics of my first grow are in my album and are a very different story and I wasn't even on a forum 2 yrs ago !!

Theres some serious growers on this site so dick comparing ur first grow ain't smart. In this case I'd even have a bigger dick and I'm a girl!!
You talk a of shit and with all them posts you sure don't know jack shit, instead of trying to make me look illegal maybe you should just shut the fuck up already and not worry about my plant count like he said about you can have 5 patients in michigan and caregiver for myself and I'm getting 15/g for even not the best and that gets me 420$/oz so if your selling your shit for that, then your the idiot just I'm smarter then you don't act like it didn't happen, your one of the few people I would rather not come back to this site since all you do is talk shit, because yours is shitty and you have to have on everyone else.
mine is shitty lol why dont u look at my grow journals douch bag atleast im not growing swag ass 1/2 oz plants rofl
ur deffintly gonna need to change some things if u want to grow some good weed the plants are way to strechy and u need to figure out away to be able to get the lights 18/24 inches away. o and 15$ a gram rofl ur deffintly an illegal grow probably like 17 y/o u have to be 18 or over for this site btw. im not nessecerly fully legal but i shure as hell am not selling my bud for 15$ a gram mine goes at 250$ an oz if i decide to sell it. lol get real dude u just blowing all ur christmas money on ur dream to be a thug drug dealer isnt going to work. ull be in jail by the end of 2013 i garentiee it. or one of ur friends going to jack all ur equipment (not that swag ass bud) and actuly use it in a proper realistic maner and get some fire bud
Ryan, Arrogance leads to stagnation and limitation; don't limit yourself. It's okay to be happy and proud, but don't let that pride make you think you are the ultimate bad-ass grower with massive "elephants". Everyone can always improve at everything they do. I hope I am not coming across as rude; I am just trying to be constructive.
That's what I'm trying to do improve, I could care less about prices, I'm not in it to get rich, although it would be nice, I just want to say Hey I grew that bomb shit, and I want also get it lab tested and see what I got going on. I think my bud is pretty good and damn good high if you ask me, tastes could be better though, how can you increase the taste/smell or is that mainly from the strain?

Here is some pictures of my flowering room, it's at about 25% of what it will be at, not sure how many plants too busy to try to count, be like <40 flowering and 20 or so vegging.

I have a problem with two plants pictures are included, I think it was a heat issue and they don't seem like they are recovering although none of these plants have had nutrients ever since I put them in here, and there age vary's from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, the big one just hit 4 weeks on the 17th it's looking sick under the scope, drain system done so nutrients and lots of water coming! I also didn't water them for a good week so they dried up a lot but it helped and all the gnats are gone, but it seems when I gave them water they grew like overnight a ton, and hopefully you don't think my room is half ass.

I believe it's 14x11 and a 3x3 walk in closet, and my veg room is 8x8 i think, plus a 3x3 walk in closest, as you can see I've got a shit tons of room.
rofl!!!!! rofl!!! i honestly cant belive ur still braging lol
Im learning alot from. This :) if I claim to be growing elephants but only deliver a pic of me looking like an elephant I will get alot of response. Hum am I missing something why does this guy with all this prime realestate and equipment try to be more humble shaking my head... my 2cents say try quality not quantity try s
splitting the room in 2 veg /flower and have a little more Control not 40 plants the more plants the more risk your run of messing up the the whole lot ...but dont take my advice ..there once was a time when I paid 15 dollars for a gram.. That was middle school.home boy get the quality down then think about quantity.
Im learning alot from. This :) if I claim to be growing elephants but only deliver a pic of me looking like an elephant I will get alot of response. Hum am I missing something why does this guy with all this prime realestate and equipment try to be more humble shaking my head... my 2cents say try quality not quantity try s
splitting the room in 2 veg /flower and have a little more Control not 40 plants the more plants the more risk your run of messing up the the whole lot ...but dont take my advice ..there once was a time when I paid 15 dollars for a gram.. That was middle school.home boy get the quality down then think about quantity. Baby boy baby steps crawl before you walk.
worst pictures i have seen on this site yet, and dont react so defensively, they were just poking fun at the new kid who thinks hes the shit, itll happen, laugh and move on, if you had reacted by saying, " what do you think is wrong with my plant?" or "how is this no an elephant?" or whatever, just grow a sense of humor next time