Here’s Where You Absolutely Don’t Want to Be “When It All Turns Ugly”

the gun control capitals of america are hawaii and california, also the lowest amounts of gun violence.

chicago is not the murder capitol either, not even in the top 30. hattiesburg MS, pine bluff AR, myrtle beach SC and other cities all rank far ahead of chicago, you blithering fucking moron.

alaska, however, is the gun ownership capitol of the nation, and has the highest amounts of gun deaths, rape, and pedophilia.

you should try using actual facts instead of trying to spread propaganda, you fucked up little pedo shitbag.

the alaskan pedo couldn't come up with a cogent reply, hence this pile of shit^^^^

piles of shit know how to post piles of shit.
the alaskan pedo couldn't come up with a cogent reply, hence this pile of shit^^^^

piles of shit know how to post piles of shit.

And...he...hominem. You don't sound festive. You're utterly failing at wooing working white class voters. Continue.

Serious question though. Why is it you waste inordinate amounts of time spewing truculent vitriol towards ones with views differing from yours?
You're able to support yourself by graduating? How much was the participation award anyway? You do earn an income don't you?
the gun control capitals of america are hawaii and california, also the lowest amounts of gun violence.

chicago is not the murder capitol either, not even in the top 30. hattiesburg MS, pine bluff AR, myrtle beach SC and other cities all rank far ahead of chicago, you blithering fucking moron.

alaska, however, is the gun ownership capitol of the nation, and has the highest amounts of gun deaths, rape, and pedophilia.

you should try using actual facts instead of trying to spread propaganda, you fucked up little pedo shitbag.

Chicago's #5 in 2015. It'll probably "exceed expectations" in 2016!
1 Baltimore
2 Detroit
3 Washington DC
4 Las Vegas
5 Chicago

I don't wanna be in those places now and especially not if shtf.