hermaphrodite question help please?

:leaf::leaf::leaf:Hello fellow Growing community. First post but long time reader and researcher. I started with two plants, which I know is a newbie mistake.Long story short I had to move them and ended up with one. Went from a cardboard box with 125w cfl to a 22-36-64 agromax grow box with a 6 inch cooltube and hps/mh ballast and fan. I also have intake and internal fan. Knowing I only had one plant I stared my last three seeds. Vegged for about a month and after 5 weeks first plant was male. All bag seeds by the way. Found out that my biggest second plant definatly a male so I chopped and dried it. Maybe for some shitty butter.Out of the other two I got another a hermaphrodite and a female. Just upgraded to a 250w mh/hps ballast and lights. Running the hps with my one female. Chopped the male and moved the hermie. Havent bought seeds yet but Ive heard that hermies usually, not always have fem seeds. So in the more experienced growers opinion should I keep the hermie and hope for mostly fem seeds, pollenating my one female? Or should I make butter with the three? I know its up to me but I would appreciate the feedback. Kudos and props to the best helpful information/opinions. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Id seperate your female and your hermie and grow em both. Harvest em both. You can still smoke the hermie obviously not as good as the female but still smokeable. Also youll get some seeds for a new growth. I noticed you just said youve been vegging and you cant tell the sex until a week or two into flowering. Have you started flowering? If you dont want to or cant keep the hermie seperate make some clones from your female if still vegging.
I started to flower after about a month. Saw little pre flowers and wanted to know for sure. I could post pics but my cam isnt that good. I know for sure I have one female because it has only hairs. Originally I thought I had two but I started to notice little balls also on one. After having two males im 95 percent sure that one has both male and female parts. wish I had two separate rooms for veg and flower. Did separate though. The pollen wont travel to my room you dont think?


Well-Known Member
if there is pollen in your house, you will not grow sinsemilla. the pollen will find her. air ducts, ventilation...etc. hermie seeds can be unstable, if not done in a controlled manner. i would give the old chop, but that's me.
Thats why I asked even in a room 30 feet away I dont want to ruin my first female. She is two feet already and looking pretty ok. Thats why I had to post.
Its not late in slower though. Maybe what looks like balls to me will split? What are naners. Like bananas I know. Or maybe not. I didnt feel like such a noob until now. Been doing good.


Active Member
Work with what you have, it’s not hard. I once had 2 fems with an unsexed plant. It was male, he was gone. It was with the girls in flower (limited space) for 1 weeks. One girl was fine the other had a few (less then 10) seeds on 1 lower bud. Not the end of the world.