hermaphrodite question


I have found 2 hermies. How can I tell if it was genetics or from stress? Do I have to worry about the other females growing balls too? I'm in the 3rd week of flower. Is there still a possibility that the true females will change?


Well-Known Member
what have you been doing to them recently any BIG fuckups? where did the seeds/clones come from? you should always be checking for balls, alot of times it could be something stupid like a timer acting up.


Well-Known Member
first question I would ask is.... were they feminized seeds???

To get two herms from regular seeds WITHOUT stress would be unlikely, yet possible nonetheless.... However, if you're using fem seeds the odds are much more likely as these seeds are often not very stable and come from a hermed plant to begin with so the gene is there....


bag seed. And spider mites that are under control now. I use a tent in a dark garage. Sometimes we garden under a green light.


Well-Known Member
hermis happen too often these days!!! so many threads about them. And ive personally had three in the last 4 months! these are the only ones ever too...


Well-Known Member
stand in your grow room turn all lights off and see if there are any light leaks
takes 23w of light i got light leaks in my room not bad one but enough to see you hand in front of your face. if you cant see your buds shapes its dark enough.

i would worry abou the light coming on randomly at night like with a bad digital timer they can set off if there's a jump in voltage!


Well-Known Member
bag seed its genetics its cool though these are expected with bagseeds. i have gotton a few from bagseed before but it was a combo since your hermis where inherently female. you probably got attacked by mites then sprayed and stressed them into showing their hermie genetics. always keep an eye out!