Hermaphrodite questions


Hello RIU. My clone has turned hermie, and I've some questions. First: I expect seeds because I can see some of the pollen sacks have burst; does this mean it will be less potent/ produce less smokable bud? Will the flowering time be extended due to the plant having to grow seeds? This is my third attempt at growing and the first two were grown from seed and harvested without too many problems, so I'm pretty ignorant about how to, or even if it's worth growing a hermaphrodite. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated.



Well-Known Member
The production of seeds will reduce your yield. I don't know about possible potency reduction.

Many times, the seeds from a hermie plant will produce hermies at a high rate. I advise you to trash all the seeds.

After this grow, completely sterilize your grow room and all equipment with a mild solution of bleach to make sure you kill all the pollen spores.

Did the clone come from a plant grown from feminized seed?


Thanks for all your comments. This is my only plant, and if I had room then I would grow more plants. It has been in flower for 16 days. I hadn't planned on keeping the seeds, I just wanted to know if the yield will justify finishing the flower cycle. I live in Colorado, so I'm not going to go without smoking, but I don't want to trash the plant if it will provide a decent amount of smokable bud. Thanks again.


I'm sorry zarabeth, I forgot to answer your last question. This clone is of the very first plant I grew, and I don't know the genetics because it was a bag seed. I did take the cutting early in the flower stage of the mother's life, and I've heard that trying to re-veg a cutting that is already flowering may cause hermaphrodism. It took 15 days for the root growth to reach the oustide of the rockwool I planted it in. The clone looked great until I noticed the male flowers about 4 days ago. And also I forgot to thank you for the advice to clean with bleach, I didn't know to use that to kill the pollen, so thanks.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
just water will kill pollen, and pollen only last 2-3 days unless preserved. yield will suffer as energy nw goes towards seed production. just finish it out. trash the seeds. order some real ones


Thanks elvis! I have blueberry seeds waiting for the end of this grow, so I will just finish it out, clean my room, and start some blueberry!


Well-Known Member
A hard choice to make

and its best to start early

you have a herm be the man and put it down

time spent playing with this, chews into your edumacation and eventually yield

plucking them balls don't get any easier either, trash it....study more

above all ...once dead wipe down the grow space with hot water and 10% bleach

good luck