hermaphrodites any use?


Well-Known Member
i jave just started growing and im pretty sure that three plants i have going are herms,,,,
are these useless now?.what can i do?


Well-Known Member
i have a herm now, its the most potent smelling and hairy... 1st one. i had 2-4 small balls under the hairs, and just pulled them off. its in a different room just to be safe but its flowering quite well @ week 3 F.. NOT REALLY sure what to expect, but its the strongest smelling plant i have had already


Well-Known Member
cant believe ive got three man these are auto flowering poison dwarfs from attitude....i only germinated three seed and i get three herms.whats that all about?


Well-Known Member
are you sure there herms. you should post some pics and get some second opinions. if the are then you can just grow them. you get more seeds (auto flowering for free) and youll also get plenty of smokeable bud. hermies arent really that bad.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure but you will probably know better,i can post pics but it will need to be tomorrow....,


Well-Known Member
all good advice, just make sure to keep picking the ball sacs. If it is a true Hermie, and has almost equal parts of male and female, ur bud will eventually get seeded and the smoke may be less potent. If it is simply intersexed, meaning mostly female flowers with the occasional male sac, than u r just gonna have to be vigilant and pick them off methodically. no diff in smoke, sometimes my best shit has up to 30-40 male flowers that get plucked. if you have others in flower in the room, either move the hermie or simply make sure there are no fans or circulating air at and around the plant


Well-Known Member
sound good man..cheers very much....do male plants grow buds at all? i know this is a daft question but iv searched the faqs and cant seem to find an answer?


Well-Known Member
Male plants grow clusters of "pollen balls" that are very low in anything worth consuming. Those clusters can be pretty thick and look like bud, but aren't worth anything except to breeders.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
if theres pollen sacks, and you dont want seeds in your next batch than get rid of it. Its either male or hermi, the bud can still be really good, just loaded full of seeds


Active Member
herms are still pretty good. I have a friend who had a female but eventually turned. He still harvested, dried, and cured and the bud was not bad at all. The only downfall are the seeds.