

Well-Known Member
I am starting my first grow and i have ordered some feminized seeds online and am waiting on them. i have my system setup so i decided to try germinating and growing some seeds i found in bud i bought. better to screw up on free ones rather than expensive ones right? Now i know there is a high chance that they will be hermaphrodites. Now from what i have read I have come to understand that hermies dont show they are a hermie until the last couple weeks of flowering before harvest. I intended to grow them seperate from my femies to prevent any possible chance of pollination. Now when discussing the chance of pollination of my femies by the hermies my freind brought up the idea of if they are femies then when they show their pollen sacs to just go in and cut them off with sicciors. Now my question is would this work to prevent them from polllinating anything? What would happen to the plant? I am looking for any input or thoughts by those more experienced.
exact same thing happened to me with my current first grow...started showing hermie signs with little pollen sacks. Picked off the pre-sacs with tweezers for a few weeks, and haven't seen them show up on the plant for about 9 days or so.
What do you mean that you know there's a high chance of hermies?
That is total rubbish, who told you that bullshit?
Hermies are 99% from lighting stress, It's not hereditary.:spew:
I have read several places that seeds you get from bud you have smoked 8 times out of 10 are hermies.
i grew 2 hermaphodites on a 600 watt. im guessing its becuse i had the light shut off once during the day and sometimes i looked at them at night lol big mistake. also the room did not have a correct exhaust or intake. the bud turned out good but they were all popcorn buds
i have a huge hermi bud now @ week 6 flowering, i see 2 seeds in it, pulled off the few pollen sacks and it is the most resinous and stinky plant i have grown so far actually... just one solid bud
do hermies bud as well as a female i have a hash plant the bottoms filling out but the top colas look loose and not forming right is this coz i have a hermie thanks people
i dont think hermapphdites are hereditary they either grow with seed in it or it doesent in my case i fucked with the lighting so the females went to seed and almost all the seeds looked feminized so i think its how much stress the plant has to go through becuse thats ushally what cause a plant to go male. from being to stressed. i wonder if the seeds are ne good has anyone had hermies out doors?
well the seeds you find in bud could be defined as 'hermi' for this reason... growers usually only deal with female plants and have no use for males (unless theyre breeding a plant, but would not do this in the same growing area anyway) so what happens about 90% of the time is that a bud you find with a seed in it came from a female plant which at its late stage of flowering produced a few male pollen sacks and tried to pollinate itself, this is not uncommon.... so when he says that the seeds he's growing are likely to be hermi, thats debatable, they could be, but theres also a good chance that they'll be female, very uncommon to get a male out of this procedure
Yeah Monk's is dead right about many or most seeds in bag's have high tendancy to hermaphrodite for those reasons he mentioned.

Hermaphrodites actually can often occur entirely as genes in the plant, it's not exactly common but plenty of them are out there.
Plants otherwise tend to have varying susceptibility to hermaphroditism. Varying stress levels will cause plants to hermi depending on how their hereditary susceptibility to put it another way.

You don't have to worry about hermi's if it's the last two weeks. Any pollen that lands on flowers shouldn't have enough time to form seeds at all.
Yeah Monk's is dead right about many or most seeds in bag's have high tendancy to hermaphrodite for those reasons he mentioned.

Hermaphrodites actually can often occur entirely as genes in the plant, it's not exactly common but plenty of them are out there.
Plants otherwise tend to have varying susceptibility to hermaphroditism. Varying stress levels will cause plants to hermi depending on how their hereditary susceptibility to put it another way.

You don't have to worry about hermi's if it's the last two weeks. Any pollen that lands on flowers shouldn't have enough time to form seeds at all.

Total bullshit:hump:
What do you mean that you know there's a high chance of hermies?
That is total rubbish, who told you that bullshit?
Hermies are 99% from lighting stress, It's not hereditary.:spew:

Gotta be the stupidest thing I have heard today. If you know anything about herms then your wouldnt say this lol
A lot of it is. Id say you have just as much chance of it being hereditary then light stress. So are you saying there is no such thing as a seed that is already hermy? What about when a plant pollinates itself? A plant can get a tiny amount of light leakage and produce one male pollen sack and pollinate itself and the seeds would be at least 1/2 hermy.
So yeah, Id say a decent amount of the time it is hereditary
i have grown alot of seeds from bud i smoked. a miniscule amount were natural hermies. i was experimenting with a few and sun poisoning, some of those ended up hermie. but as a whole it doesnt matter where you get the seeds, they will be fine in a good environment.
Quote by fdd2blk:bigjoint:
and another haters thread gets closed.

Yeah, this site is so full of people who know jack shit but will still argue until they're blue in the face because they think they know everything.
Sad isn't it.
I've been growing for 36 years now, and hopefully, by the time I die, I will have learnt some more.
Fact is, there isn't enough time in a lifetime to know it all, let alone before you even leave the security of a home with parents to look after you.:blsmoke:
Hermaphrodites can be either natural (genetics) or stress induced or artificially induced like the way commercial breeders make feminized seeds. Natural hermaphrodites, with both male and female parts, are usually sterile but artificially induced hermaphrodites can have fully functional reproductive organs.