Hermi Help! Rep + if relevent.


Well-Known Member
Hi every1. Im a bit puzzled. Iv got 2 plants on the grow, been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks, both full of pistils. My problem is on 1 of the plants I hav what looks like 1 male pre flower, it clearly has 5 segments and definately has no pistils. Is is possible to have only 1 male pre flower amongst all the female pre flowers. Iv read I can just nip them off but Im a bit reluctant in case it is just a retarded female pre flower. Has anyone else seen anything like this and what should i do ????


Active Member
just leave it for now....you will know if its a male flower.....i thought this as well at one point....turned out it was just another area for some leaves to come out


Well-Known Member
i have totally seen that.
wait a few days to be sure and then chop off that one part.
you may end up with one or two hermi seeds later on down the road, but pollination will be avoided.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks ok sorry. I'm baked.
Im sure if it is a male sack it would take around 2 weeks to seed up your bud.
keep an eye on it, if and when you identify it. you will have to make some choices!


Well-Known Member
I'd say trash the plant. It will most likely grow more clusters. What looks isolated can quickly become out of control when it comes to ball sacks. Good luck

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
watch it careful to look for balls. if there are no pistils then its probably a male. when and IF you chop if down. spray it with water so the pollen stays in place and doesnt pollenate your others plants...put a a plastic bag over it then chop chop chop. to reduce spreading of the pollen. good luck


Active Member
My plant turned Hermie about 2 weeks into flowering from root issues. It showed 1 male flower starting, so I moved it outside, then a few days later I seen more coming up. I removed them all and so far none have grown back in about 5 days. I am going to keep it, since it only has about a month to go and I don't have anything to go in the tent. I will just check it over every day and look for any new signs.


Well-Known Member
thanks every1 for the advice, Iv dished the rep out. I'l keep an eye on it but i think I'l end up nippin it off, not gona trash the whole plant for 1 little bollock. Thanks again, Happy Tokin.