Hermi? Rep ++

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
a hermie will probably not pollinate. I'm guessing that if you bought seeds from a good bank and they're feminized that it's a hermie. Only the males will pollinate. Also from what I've heard hermie seeds are feminized! so they may be worth saving...
that is untrue I had a rogue hermie destroy my entire crop on my first grow. However the seeds I got from it WERE all female so that was nice.


Active Member
Thanks so much for the feedback... My guess is well know in 2 days or less whats the deal with these. They are maturing fast.. Again thanks alot


Active Member
Your probably fine. As others say, it's hard to tell without good pix. If it is a hermi and flowers open it WILL pollinate your other plants.


Active Member
I am taking it out the garden in the next 2 hours... It has to be a male... Or I mean Hermi.. The round growth is clustered.. 2-4 of these things.. females wouldnt be clustered and the pistiled nodes are not. The balls; I disected one appear to have petals.. They were also filled with a clear substance. Bottom line is I have 18 plants more then I expected at this point. 17 are positively ladies. 17 is going to be a better yield/harvest then I had ever hoped for my first grow in 15 years.. Not to mention Caz knows I abused these bitches hard in the beginning.. So I am taking the male out no pun intended..




Active Member
OK I didnt remove it yet I am waiting the plant is growing like crazy today and I wanna get a better look tomorrow... It has so many flowers on it. A couple of what I thought were pods opened up and seem to be budding? I will be able to get a pic tomorrow the growth is sick.


Active Member
Wasnt able to get a pic yet but I am glad I didnt remove this one. The plant is huge and those round things each of them is growing what looks like flowers.. They opened up and have flowers in them they just didnt look like any of the other plants. The plant is certainly a female and its growing nuts. just changed my res from a transition to a bloom soup and its really exploding. So pleased to still have that lady with me.


ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
if you cant get a good camera try using a magnyfying glass infront of your lens then get upo close to the plant an take a few pics that should clear them up ani wana see these pods as i have a similar thing at the moment but my seeds wernt fem

Never Was

Really, I once saw a beautiful woman...but, she also had a cock. I hope my point is clear.
Please contact me and send some of the "feminized" seeds from that plant after you harvest it...LOL!!
Peace! :peace:


Active Member
Yeah the plant has been removed from the garden and destroyed.

It was weird, the round pods ended up having female pistil hairs and growth around some of them confusing me even more.

I cut a couple of the more "mature" looking ones off the plant. I took them out of the room upstairs and started to disect one. A white powder poofed out. I was able to grab the powder and balled it up in a paper towel I had next to me and flushed it down the toilet.

I then carefully removed the plant from the garden bagged it up and removed it from the area.

The plant had some of the biggest buds of any of my plants but it doesnt have any hairs yet like the other ones. Oh well at least I dont have to worry about it anymore.
