Hermi seed tendency


Well-Known Member
So, I’m curious. If a seed is from a hermi plant, is it just prone to being a hermi, or is it guaranteed to be a hermi? If i went 12/12 to check sex then reveg if I have one that is not a hermi, would it then still be more apt to becoming a hermi from stress later?


Well-Known Member
Also not sure if they are even hermi. Have more of a feeling they are from a seed run and got missed because out of 2 oz, only 2 nugs have had seeds. Either way I’m see g them out unless they all hermie. If any hermi late in flower I’ll just make bubble hash


Well-Known Member
Hermi plants tend not to show their male side until late in flowering.

As far as sexing a plant its better to take clones and sex the mother plants. Not all cannabis plants will reveg some will continue flower no matter how many hours of light you give it.

FYI bud from hermi is just as good as bud from seeded plants just toss the seeds. Its not potency that is lost but yield due to the seeds.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what type of hermie the seeds came from.
A true hermie is a plant that shows pistils and balls at the beginning of flower....this is genetic, and the seeds will be hermies.
If the seeds came from rodelization late in flower, the seeds will be female.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what type of hermie the seeds came from.
A true hermie is a plant that shows pistils and balls at the beginning of flower....this is genetic, and the seeds will be hermies.
If the seeds came from rodelization late in flower, the seeds will be female.
Most of the seeds using the rodelization method will be hermies or produce hermies if used to create more seeds.

"The drawback of the Rodelization method is that it is not as effective as the other described methods of seed feminization because often, it can result in lower feminized seed production and produce offspring that have hermaphroditic tendencies."


If you want female flowers use colloidal silver you can buy it online and its used as an antiseptic. Note side effects from using too much colloidal silver on humans is it turns your skin blue.


Well-Known Member
To be honest all plants can herm and its more a question of skill not genetics - i got herms when i started, never really now, only thing thats changed is im better and thus stress plants less.

Herms get a bad rap, if your new/ish and still not pro except seeds in your grows - the altetnative is to kill them but pretty soon you realise most hermed at one poont and now you have no bud or plants because you stupidly killed them all fearing a few seeds in a load of bud.

Having a green thumb and becoming a grower aint gona happen overnight and most stuff that happens like mutations, herms, yellow leaves etc etc is down to you not the plant or genetics.

In no way could this plant survive unchanged in the wild of the worlds warmer regions if it disnt have a few tricks up its sleeves like the ability to herm, the futher pollen has to travel the less likely it will.make it, herms make that distance zero and gurantee survival un the worse years.

Love the herm and you might defeat it oneday, keep killing them and you learn nothing and set no challenges to overcome as well as grow less bud.

Good luck newbies :-)


Well-Known Member
Love the herm and you might defeat it oneday, keep killing them and you learn nothing and set no challenges to overcome as well as grow less bud.

Good luck newbies :-)
If they herm, no way am I getting rid of them. Hell, if they are male they aren’t going anywhere and I’m gonna attempt to collect and preserve pollen. Learning as much as possible about all of it, and I learn best by doing. If they herm, I’ll at least get some more experience and knowledge on general growing to make my next better.


Well-Known Member
Herms make good fem seed too :-)

If they herm, no way am I getting rid of them. Hell, if they are male they aren’t going anywhere and I’m gonna attempt to collect and preserve pollen. Learning as much as possible about all of it, and I learn best by doing. If they herm, I’ll at least get some more experience and knowledge on general growing to make my next better.