Hermie advice please....


My current Genetics in the flowering room:

Im using feminized seeds from Paradise seed company and Barney's Farm of Amsterdam. Current strains are Ice cream and Jacky White (fem. Paradise) and a G13xhaze (fem. Barneys). All current plants in the flowering room are from cuttings off of mothers from seed. I am seeking non-feminised seeds at the moment, but this is what I am working with, currently. I chose Paradise Seeds because of their alleged stable fem's, and the Barneys because I have smoked their product and been stoked.

My conditions:

This round has been perfect so far
Temps- 76 deg F. day/ 70 ish night.
ZERO light leaks after 20 minutes in dark room
RH about 45%
2 oscillating fans---1 above canopy, 1 below
Ocean Forest soil, extra perlite, 5 gal containers
Amended with Bud Candy and dry Big Bud, soil nutes still viable
Zero signs of over fertilization or any plant problems
watering with 70 ppm h2o before additives.
2x 1000W AC hoods(soon to add a 3rd 1KW)
2x 600w AC hoods
At beginning of week 2 flower, I chopped all the lower spindly branches and bud sites that would end up larfy/popcorny.
Growth has been very rapid, healthy, and robust since the flip and after lollipopping bottom/lower branches.
No supplemental CO2, but excellent airflow of fresh air through the garden.
On day 26 of flower, almost to the beginning of the 5th week flowering, using 8 week-to-harvest strains.

Preventative Measures Already Taken:

Mixed Dutch Masters Reverse with phosphate-free dish soap in the proper proportions and sprayed flowering girls on day 3 after the flip, and on day 13 , as directed on the bottle/website. Today(day 26), I spot sprayed on the problem spots.

The Problem Overview:

My Ice Cream mom is getting older and may be the reason for its cuttings going hermie.
My Jacky White is flowering out for the first time.
My G13x Haze had hermied under stressful conditions during a previous round and I only have 1 in flower to observe how she develops.

Today on only 1 of my Ice Cream plants, I saw 2 female flowers with a green banana coming from each. Both were located on the top of the growth tips, but well enough away from the heat and light intensity of my 600wAC HPS. I cannot conceive of any stressors on the plant, so presume it is a genetic result of feminised seeds. I am also interested that 2 applications of Reverse hadn't stopped the bananas from appearing(again, NO light leaks or environmental stress).

When I noticed the bananas, I picked them off, then sprayed that individual Ice Cream plant and the ones below the 1000w hoods as well with reverse again, and inspected what I could of the rest of the garden. So far I haven't seen anything explicitly hermie, except for those 2 bananas so far. I have a sort of SCROG going with a decent number of plants, so being meticulous and controlling all potential 'nanas would be about impossible.

Whereas there is only 1 Ice cream plant with 2 'nanas popping up, during my inspection I also noticed the I.C.'s directly below the air cooled 1kw hoods are showing signs of heat stress at the tips. Although they are the same height as the Jacky Whites, I only noticed 1 Jacky White affected, whereas the Ice Creams exhibit a much greater sensitivity to the light/heat. I raised the hoods from 7"-10" ish from where they were. The damage from the heat shows itself with a slight bleaching of the top bud leaves, a reduction of pistils from the growth tip and irregular growth. As I said, the Jacky Whites handle it fine but the Ice Cream is more sensitive.

With the exception of slightly heat affected growth tips on a few Ice Creams and 2 tips of JW, and with the exception of the Herming IC, all other growth looks tip top. Fast growth, gorgeous pistils etc.

My Questions:

Regarding the heat stressed tips, If I had raised the lights soon enough, I am wondering what the likelihood of the tips bouncing back and not herming on me are? So far I haven't seen balls or bananas, and I think I caught the heat damage before it got bad. It is ONLY affecting the very tips of the IC directly below the hoods The very tips under the bulbs dont push out pistils, but don't show signs of male traits, more like slightly excess vegetation and yellowing at the tips where the pistils had been coming from. Any thoughts, opinions, knowledge, or tips?

Regarding the other IC plant that is away from the bulb heat, I know what to look for regarding balls and bananas, but I'm wondering if using preventative Reverse is likely to carry me through the rest of the cycle as im almost 4 weeks through an 8 week cycle. Granted Ill chop her if i need, But seeing as shes a clone the same as the others, if she shows bananas, I presume the others may follow suit, even though everything seems generally ok at the moment. Well see if my spot spray of reverse helps enough. I just need to push another 4 weeks, provided they don't stall if they begin producing seed (if pollenated). I wonder if I'll be going through a couple bottles of Reverse a week to keep it at bay? Even then, as i am almost to the second half of flowering, I cant spray the buds too much for fear of molds, or contaminants on the plant from the Reverse itself if used close to harvest.

The G13xHaze is so far so good, but time will tell, and with the exception of 2 slightly yellowed tips, the Jacky Whites look incredible.

My my my, how I can't wait to get some NON femmed moms going.

Thanks for your knowledgeable assistance in advance. I wish everyone the best:mrgreen: Ill try to get pics up of the tips.....


Been spraying reverse since i posed this a week ago. I hadnt seen any new nanas until today. There was 1 near the tip of one of my Jacky Whites. Unbelieveable, I sprayed reverse the not 24 hours earlier....that and i had spayed with reverse according to instructions since the beginning of the flip. My 1k ac hood is about 14 inches from the tips of the plants. Im going to raise it again to avoid head stress.

20 minutes in the dark room and there are no light leaks to be found.

The problem is 100% these motherfucking femmed seeds. I swear, I will NEVER deal with these again EVER EVER EVER.

Just so the world knows, PARADISE SEED COMPANY FEMMED JACKY WHITES and FEMMED ICE CREAMS have struck me with nanners even under ideal conditions with the only possible stressor this round being MAYBE too close to an AC hood...{over a foot away from the hoods, for a brief time}.

The lesson: Personally, I will NEVER EVER buy femmed seeds again. NEVER EVER! The only reason i would is if i was starting from scratch and had no other option.

I NEVER again want to have these feelings of dreaded anticipation every time I go in my garden, wondering if this is going to be the day i find a bunch of bananas.

I bought Paradise femmes because they were purported to be some of the most stable genetics out there, with consistently good reviews. I guess even in a virtually ideal environment you just never know with these genetic freaks. I swear I feel like if I as much as look at them wrong they will sprout banana dicks just to spite me.

Im mid 5th week, approaching the beginning of week 6 using 55-60 day strains. So far I have only conclusively identified 2 nanas. 1 on an IC that is not near intense light or heat and 1 on the tip of a Jacky White that was at least a foot away from a 1k AC hood. My canopy is scrogged so i cant do a super intense search for herms. I have been using DM Reverse consistently and mixing it with a surfectant for max absorbtion.

My hope is they have not already self pollenated (almost all budsites currently retain their white pistils), and that i can ride this whole thing out using DM reverse..... UGH. I just hope I can get far enough along in their bloom cycle before they stall out then convert to seed production if any damage has been done. If I could just get near the end before they fuck me over....



considering nobody else is responding, i hope this will provide some help to somebody------- the herms i got from my Jackys- so far have only seemed to herm after i did the pyrethrum bombs. Dunno if it was the fogger that triggered it or just unstable genetics. I fall on unstable genetics, if the period of time a bug bomb is releasing is enough to send a pheno to herm, then it is way too sensitive to stress and therefore worthless. Whatev-- im in week 7- ill be curious if i harvest anything of note. all looks ok except for pistils that seem to have died early"(indicating potential pollenation) and seem to have stalled a bit at the beginning of week 7. I think ill have a light harvest but wit a bit salvageable for dispensaries, and a shit ton for hash and to cook with. whos hungry:)


btw DUTCH MASTERS REVERSE is worthless worthless worthless. I used it properly. I used it on day 3 of flower, exactly as directed, with a saturator. Then I used it 10 days later- and a week after that. All as directed by a person i spoke to at DM. There is 100 % NO LIGHT LEAKS, and if i may say, NO STRESS on the plants. I have BEEN in the room for 20 minutes after lights out and it is BLACK. there are no nute stresses either. the girls are set. they have confused genetics, and DM is of zero use.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
that reverse shit is nasty stuff. and why use it on a femninized seed plant. maybe thats why it fuked you to. its meant to be used on a reg strain isnt it.


hey medi- thanks for the response. ive never heard a single mention of that. feminised plant or feminine plant, they are technically both girls and should react the same. I dont know if it is nasty as much as ineffective. also, provided you have grown normal females from seed and have your room and conditions met, there is about 0 chance of herms anyways so i dont see the point of the product there. I can only see its purpose for use on feminised genetics to prevent the tendency they have to herm, but now i see no point in that either. peace--ill post some pics if it all ends up ok-