I just used reverse too, so Ive been looking through threads about it and found yours. I used it like directions said to (maybe a few days late..I did first spray around day 10 and second around day 20 of 12/12). Im running multiple phenos of the same strain..I grew seeds into mothers and took clones..flowering a couple from each female, and I saw some male preflowers on a few of them a week into flowering,so got the reverse and saturator. I have mixed feelings on the reverse so far. One of the plants still put out a couple bananas..Im wondering if they were sterile,cause the bud looks fine and I dont see any seeds growing. Have you noticed anything different about how the bud is growing on the ones you sprayed? I cant put my finger on it, but something just seems a little different than normal,like theyre covered in hairs/pistils..but almost excessively. Some buds have an odd structure too when I look closely,like maybe it wanted to herm but was suppressed or something. Im at about day 28 or so. Anyways, good luck with yours..Ill check back here to see if its working out for you.