Hermie at 4 weeks flower!!?


Well-Known Member
Really don’t know what to do. All my plants have quite a lot of brown pistols on them. Only found 3 nanas on the front Pineapple Express plant. Couldn’t find anything on the back two. What should I do! There’s some strange markings on the stems now aswell which I have no idea what they are?



Well-Known Member
Did the bananas open up?
No they didn’t mate and I picked them straight off. Wasn’t sure if all the brown hairs on the plants was down to pollination tho. Worried there all fucked. Couldn’t find anything at all apart from them 3 nanas


Well-Known Member
I’ve read if I open the bracts on each plant and there’s a seed inside they have pollinated? The fact that all the hairs on each plant are already brown makes me think they have. Don’t want to waste time and money if there no good


Well-Known Member
Here’s a pic of an open and unopened sac. Also these were already pollinated. See the excessive swelling already? These all had seeds. This was about week 4 or 5



Well-Known Member
They defo wasn’t open sacs mate they was closed. I picked them straight off this afternoon. Should I just leave my plants to do their thing?


Well-Known Member
Those were massive buds for 4 weeks of flower. I later found out it was because they were full of seeds. If your hairs are turning brown and you see massive swelling. They may be pollinated.


Well-Known Member
Yea my buds don’t look that big tbh for 4 weeks. Really not sure what to do. Take the risk of chop them and be done with it


Well-Known Member
Would you recommend tearing open a lower bud or top? Sorry for the questions mate . Never had this problem before.


Well-Known Member
Ask as many questions as you want. That’s what we’re here for.

I would look for one you think my be pollinated. Do any stand out that we’re close to the sack? One bud have a lot of brown hairs and look swollen? Look for those signs.


Well-Known Member
Weird thing is tho mate. The plant that I found nanas on has hardly any brown hairs on. The back two plants have lots of brown hairs on but couldn’t find any balls or nanas at all. So I’m confused tbh dude.