Hermie or Calyx ..I Can't Identify!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sparka...So since Im doin Sunshine mix 4(soil-less mix) just add to water?Any suggestions for flora spray?
You need to get a good nute because what you are using have too little N You need at least a 7-7-7 I use Dyna Gro for everything if not that just anything that shows can be used in a floral spray and let her have it. It will not take too long to get her back in shape. Its always also to good have a seaweed extract around to spray to give a little kick to your ladies. You will be amazed when you spray them.


Active Member
With tomato plants, potassium deficiency can result from a plant being too cold, and therefore unable to metabolize the potassium in the grow medium. The solution for them is two part, warm the roots and boost the nutrient. I have no clue if the same applies to MJ, :lol:


@Jimmernmi that makes sense..For afew days the outside temp dipped to 34*F an since my intake is obviously taking outside air into grow room the rooms temp went to 55 Now I gotta check on my girls whenever it gets to cold outside so I can get the heater on;)think it happened 2xs same time my light issues occured:(Now reading through comments makes sense my stems r purple:(
Sparka-Im goin to shop in morning picking up ur suggestions fingers crossed!!!Thanks for info guys...much appreciated..will post updates;)


I got em vegging still (I know they r ready) just got timing wrong...I like vegging long time though.I got em under 2 600w MHs, had one off though ..I also got t-5's 8 lamp on too.Isnt 600w technically enough for veg?Im putting them outside in few days as soon as rain lets up:(