Hermie or Not

purple head hunter

Active Member
I have 2 healthy THC BOMB plants that are 5 weeks into flower.One seems to have seed sacks forming on the smaller, lower buds but the bigger buds and the cola are fine.I disected one of these sacks and got white stuff out of it which had the consostancy of coconut.
Is this an undeveloped seed or what?
Is my plant turning into a Hermie?
Should I keep flowering for another 3 weeks or should I rip it and smoke the goodies?
If I have to rip it all will not be lost as the heads are well formed with crytals all over them so it should still smoke allright but I don't want to pull them if I don't have to.
:confused: Purps


Well-Known Member
pictures would help but
did you notice any pollen sacks or just what appears to be seeds forming in the bud?
only 3 weeks left id let it grow


Well-Known Member
whats done is done. only 3 weeks left, id keep a close eye for pollen so it doesnt spread and let it finish.

hopefully no seeds, but seeds arent that bad

purple head hunter

Active Member
There are a few pods that pollinated I only saw them last night so I chopped them to save the rest.I got some good top heads and the colas are fine.
I found some good seeds in them,Will they be like normal seeds.ie-50%m50%f or different because of the plant they came from?:evil:


Well-Known Member
im not sure honestly. i have some seeds from a hermie last grow and have been wondering the same thing.

ive heard hermies will produce hermies.
ive heard hermies have female genetics so will produce a higher number of females along with hermies.

i dont know what to believe, so until i work with some of the seeds i cant say.