Only herm I've had was genetic - a skirt of white hairs and balls beneath. (Strawberry Kush, fem seeds)
BUT - I did intentionally make seeds on my last grow - so I have some experience in cleaning up after (a crap-ton of) pollen.
Two big males spewing up a 4x4 with 2 females for about 6 weeks.
The level of pollen was astounding - Probably a half pound of pollen & dead flowers on the floor as the boys did their thing.
- I was like the Scarface of pollen for a minute of yellow powder everywhere.
There was a thick, yellow-ochre cloud that wafted up every time I opened the tent - even though I cut the circulation fans once the boys started spewing. (remove them next time...)
The funk in the coed tent was different from the sorority tent as well, a distinct floral musky overtone from the male flower clusters.
Cleaned up first with a 3 water wipe downs - ceiling, lights, fans, walls, furniture & floors, top to bottom.
- It took that long to not see yellow on the wipes.
Followed up by loading 92% Iso alcohol into a spray bottle and then misting / wiping everything down as above. (WEAR PPE!)
Repeated in select areas - nooks crannies, circulation fans were problematic.
Water wiped the walls of the lung room that the tent is in.
I'm in the middle of converting that same room into a dedicated grow-space; and a 2x4 is on week 2 flowering in there right now - so we'll know if my cleaning was thorough enough pretty soon. (been LAZY on my journal...)