hermie prob


i'm a first timer. we have 6 girls mid to late flowering...tonight, my boyfriend noticed that there are hermie sprouts in one of the tops (suckily, the top of the one i FIM'd holding the densest buds we have).

We've taken it out of the tent. All I want to know is if theres anything we could do aside from trashing it.

we're gonna keep it separate.

- could we pinch off the male flowers (which seem to be immature) and hope for no pollen dispursement?

- should we harvest it now (the hairs haven't died back and the trichs are still clear with some milky here and there)

can someone help me try to still enjoy this plant? if there's a way....
happy new year btw :-P


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would get that plant outta there Pronto, or else it can and will screw up the rest... Could of already happened. The male/hermie plant is not good to smoke at all. It wont be very potent ... chop it up FAR away, and Keep an eye on the rest of the girls. Best of luck to you Guys. Happy 2010 :)

Dale Kid

Im picking the male parts from my hermie atm and it seems too be working well. a few people on RollItUp have told me they've had success in doing it. and it depends if it's for personal use or other reasons too, if it's persy then why not give it a try? id seek further information but cause im not exactly a pro! hahah. happy new year too you too! Peace

And yes do take it out of there quick smart if you want too keep the others female.


If I were you, I would get that plant outta there Pronto, or else it can and will screw up the rest... Could of already happened. The male/hermie plant is not good to smoke at all. It wont be very potent ... chop it up FAR away, and Keep an eye on the rest of the girls. Best of luck to you Guys. Happy 2010 :)
yeah we plan on def keeping it separate at least. here's pics of the whole buds (it only has one little sprout of hermie within it)...

check out the pic of the bud itself....this is why i want to salvage it, or think/hope it's salvageable.



it's developed a lot of resin glands...this is why i think it is still smokable. its getting it to harvest that is my worry as far as the pods opening eventually. but since the buds are so developed, what if the pollen drops after the pistils die back?? i dont know. i guess by looking at it, the density and amount of glands along with how close to harvest it is...makes trashing it hard to accept.


Well-Known Member
Hermies are fine to smoke and yea you can just pluck those male flowers. Keep it away from the rest like it is now just to be safe, but by no means trash it. The bud will still get you plenty stoned :D


Well-Known Member
You can use tweezers to pluck the hermie nanners off and let it finish. The downside is that this is pretty much a daily ritual to stay on top of it. You definitely want to seperate that from the rest, but by no means should you trash it. The smoke will still be good and potent if it finishes properly. Worst part is while smoking, you may taste a bit of nastiness, which would be the little pollen containing nanners you missed while tweezing or after harvest. Stay on top of it, let it finish, no big deal, but keep it away from the others and hope they don't go shemale on you too.


Well-Known Member
I just may be too high to tell, but I dont see anything that would indicate hermie tendencies. All those hairs and the resin all over the buds makes it look all girl to me. No balls in sight.


Well-Known Member
I just may be too high to tell, but I dont see anything that would indicate hermie tendencies. All those hairs and the resin all over the buds makes it look all girl to me. No balls in sight.
i agree that i see no balls either ..however that growth coming out of it looks like what may be the beginning of a pollen sac... Im still on my first grow but ..im kinda sure ..could it be part of a def maybe? a yellow leaf?

Dale Kid

sorry for butting in on your thread but this seems the time too ask anyone who knows.

ive got a huge plant thats hermie and has 30 days left in flowering. also in my setup is a kooootaahhhh clone thats only been in there a few weeks. i really want my clone too be in the setup but i know it will get turned if i leave it.

if i sit it in the games room for the 30 days next too the window, will that be enough too keep it going? i dont care if the little buds die off, its just to re-clone from when this harvest is done. the pic is about a week old, heaps better now:) thanks in advance!


Dr. Indica

Active Member
theres a product called dutch master reverse and dutch master penetrator that i'm using to stop hermies right now, it seems to be working. heres a thread that'll tell u about it https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/139699-dutchmasters-reverse-study-hermies.html heres another, more in depth https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/182247-feminized-seeds-hermie-test-14-a.html
I've never had any luck with that stuff, I used 6L of it and it didn't stop anything. Just more false claims from DM:finger:

I just may be too high to tell, but I dont see anything that would indicate hermie tendencies. All those hairs and the resin all over the buds makes it look all girl to me. No balls in sight.
3 banana's sticking right out of the bud.

i agree that i see no balls either ..however that growth coming out of it looks like what may be the beginning of a pollen sac... Im still on my first grow but ..im kinda sure ..could it be part of a def maybe? a yellow leaf?
There is no balls b/c this is not a hermaphrodite, it is a genetically asexual plant. Hermaphrodite's clearly express both female and male parts at the nodes, genetically asexual plants only show the male flower from the buds. It will always occur for these plants ( clones and seeds ), while hermaphrodite's will only express their hermie tendencies when they are stressed.

The bud should be fine, but I wouldn't grow any clones or seeds from that plant.


I've never had any luck with that stuff, I used 6L of it and it didn't stop anything. Just more false claims from DM:finger:

3 banana's sticking right out of the bud.

There is no balls b/c this is not a hermaphrodite, it is a genetically asexual plant. Hermaphrodite's clearly express both female and male parts at the nodes, genetically asexual plants only show the male flower from the buds. It will always occur for these plants ( clones and seeds ), while hermaphrodite's will only express their hermie tendencies when they are stressed.

The bud should be fine, but I wouldn't grow any clones or seeds from that plant.
Thanks....:leaf: very relieving.


just tweezed off the bananas. only one cluster of 3 bananers.....
is it ok to put it back in the tent with the others or is it gonna start dropping pollen.

on a side note, how much more time would you say i have til the bud is ripe. its been flowering for 6-7 wks now.


Well-Known Member
wen my bubblegum had bananas it was cux of a light leak so it was stressed into hermie and only bananas show up but no balls. as long as u have jus bananas and no balls i woodnt worry jus pick the bananas out and let her go the rest of the way but watch her closely so those bananas dont open up


Well-Known Member

I just cut down one of my two plants from my first indoor grow (the one went hermie and i didn't spot it til it was too late.. little bastards hide in there good!)... It has some nice big nugs on it, but it definetely has some seeds as well....

I'm about 12 weeks into flower (sativa/indica mix)... Trichomes mostly cloudy, some clear, some amber... I have dried some of the popcorn nugs, and the smoke is smooth, tastes good and gets you high... Therefore, i wouldn't suggest pitching it at all... As long as your willing to pick a few seeds out, it's fine... Sure, you lose some potency when they herm, but it's still pot... right?

If you can let it go another couple weeks, I would, but just remember that once it starts producing balls full fledged... it won't be producing much more bud development... From weeks 9 to 12 of the plant i harvested (hermed), it didn't really swell or grow much more... Had about 30% white hairs when i put in complete darkness for 48 hours (just finished that 30 minutes ago)... Most the hairs, 85-90% receded into the buds after the 48 hours of darkness... It's currently hanging now before the jar cure... I'd keep an eye out, if you notice very little growth over a span of lets say a week (or so), I would go on ahead and harvest... It would be a good sign that it's really pumping out balls and not really focusing on bud development anymore...

Also keep in mind, how many times have you got a bag of weed and it had seeds in it? Exactly.... everyone smokes hermie bud, some more often than others... Hell, i've went a year without getting some weed that was seedless... So many outdoor grows produce hermies, i'd hate to see the % of bud that is smoked worldwide that is hermie...

Anyways... keep up the good work and happy tokin! :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
i ve had 3 hermie problems in my present grow and i ended up doing a lot of reading on them. dont panic its really no big deal, yeah, i know you freak out and get real pissed off but the fact is a helluva lot of plants especially those from fem'd seeds are gonna hermie partially, most of the time you wont notice, secondly you can pick the sacs off but just be slow and careful and check EVERYWHERE. there are products on the market( dutch master reverse) that claim to stop it happening/progressing, i used them and it seems to have worked. i isolated my first and she came through a treat, the other two remain in my tent with another 3 and although a bit of seeds production took place it hasnt spread at all. check out these links they will tell u absolutely loads about hermis and solutions https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/182247-feminized-seeds-hermie-test-14-a.html and https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/139699-dutchmasters-reverse-study-hermies.html