Hermie question


Active Member
I got a problem with my first grow ever...

Ive been flowering for 2 and a half weeks and recently ive started to see the little 'balls'(pollen sacks) grow at the the bottom of my plant. Its funny because I thought it was a female due to it showing the pear with white pistils first at the top(first 10 days). I was very disappointed..it could have been partly my fault because i did not keep a strict 12/12 mimic for the first 2 weeks (some nights 13/11 others 14/10)...Could that have caused it to stress for the newly pollen sacks found at the bottom?

My real question is, could i just pluck the pollen sacks and prevent them from future pollination of itself? or wud i just be stressing and hurting my baby by doing such an act?

also the seeds came from a sack that contained a shit load of seeds, maybe the bud was a hermie and passed it on to its seeds?


Well-Known Member
Yea, most likely caused from stress - so they say!

If you got some hermies man, I would definitely get those fuckers away from the rest of the plants. They will spread there spunk all over the rest and you will end up with some seedy herb.

I think if you take the pollen sacks off, you will end up spreading that shit everywhere...


Well-Known Member
you can pick them off....... however it is a huge pain in the ass and a very tedious job to do so, i have hermies right now that are flowering, i was still picking off fresh grown pollen sacks at 6 weeks flowering.