Hermie Question


Well-Known Member
So I've always heard hermie plants that pollenate themselves will usually produce hermie seeds.. Is that also true with regular female seed that get pollinated by a hermie? Like is a hermi's pollen destined to produce hermie seeds in EVERY plant or just if it pollenates itself?


Well-Known Member
it depends on the strain, ive seen hermie self pollinated seeds grown out that dont herm and some that are just horrible and show alot of intersex traits. if you take that hermie pollen and pollinate a normal female(not itself) you can make all female seeds. but as with all seed making youd need to test those seeds to see what they do and if they are prone to intersex tendencies.


Well-Known Member
i've been growing some seeds that came from a plant that fertilized itself
all hermie? no, it's been a 50/50 crap shoot so far
some of the femmes have been very good, then there were some that weren't so good
but seeds for free, if you liked the parent you may find something special


Well-Known Member
You won't get fem only seeds from a hermie unless you used the colloidal silver method a stress induced hermies pollen will produce both male and female seeds passing along the hermie traits.


Well-Known Member
You would need to use the colloidal silver to force hermie a plant to make fem only seeds from that pollen. A stress induced hermies pollen will make both male and female seeds though.


Well-Known Member
i have seen a male plant spring forth from the feminized fertlizing
don't know how, but it happened, male was a bit odd, the flowers would wither before throwing pollen, kind of a sterile mule