Hermie Seeds: To Use or Not to Use


I have 3 plants that went hermie do to light stress during this grow (light leaks during night period). I have grown the same strain of plants before (without light stress) and did not get any hermies and got some dank bud. The plants I have now have pollinated themselves and seeds are starting to form. So will the seeds that are produced be ok to use? Will they be feminized?

I have researched for hours and have not been able to get any solid conclusions. Most information is flaky at best. So if anyone that has experience using hermie seeds, your input would be greatly appreciated. +rep to anyone who can help!


Your seeds will have the same genetics as the mother. If there is an inherent hermie trait it will be passed on. If the hermies were due to stress, that will not affect the genetics.


Well-Known Member
I havent tried it yet but I heard you can use hormone pills (birth control) to reverse it sounds crazy but I had someone sawre. Just pick off any ones you see with a tweezers and dissolve a bunch of pills in a sprayer with lots of potash. Ive heard it worked first hand though.

kbo ca

Active Member
Im sure you have heard of feminized seeds. The way they make them is by forcing a female plant to become hermaphroditic. The plant produces all female progency. You do run the risk of having your seeds produce hermaphrodites though so be diligent and keep an eye on em!