hermie seeds


Well-Known Member
yes u can smoke hermie bud as far as hermie seeds didnt know there were hermie seeds i though if u grew a female and stress it out it turns into a hermie. so maybe its not a hermie seed at all maybe something is wrong with ur grow room like light leaking out/in can cuase hermies but im a noob so i may be wrong


Active Member
is hermie bud still smokeable and will hermie seeds only produce hermies?
If you stress a female plant it produces a hermie, if u sex another female with this hermie your'll get feminized seeds,Saying that, if u stress the plants from that seed batch they them selv's can have hermie tendencies.:-? not wot u want.


Active Member
cool guys thanks im pretty sure my seeds are feminized thn because a buddy had 1 of his plants go hermie and pollinated the others is that what you mean feminized seeds?