

Well-Known Member
u never know i grew sum molokai it only was like 2' tall and yielded may two ounces but it was the best smoke i ever had

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Will a hermie pollonate all the other plants??... if it does, will the seeds on other plants be feminized aswell???.... my plants are week one of flowering and they are looking great... but one is like the weaker link and i think its gonna go hermie or be a male... idk yet

luvvin growin

Active Member
you shouldn't get seed from the hermied plant,only pollen,and yes,if you leave it in with the rest,the seeds will be feminised,works better than giberellic acid,and no mixing!


Well-Known Member
if i don't want seeds would i be safe just cutting the hermied part?

Or is the rest of the plant not far behind in looking hermied?

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
you shouldn't get seed from the hermied plant,only pollen,and yes,if you leave it in with the rest,the seeds will be feminised,works better than giberellic acid,and no mixing!
nice, if one of my plants go hermie and the rest are female ill be really happy now lol
Than i could just have my own personal jar of feminized seeds and never need to take clones....
just start a seed from one of the plants that were in with the hermie and
guarenteed female.
if you could check out my grow in my sig and see if im doing everything right ill + Rep nd appreciate it hahah

Edit: My First Grow Link --- https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journal...ml#post2713144

luvvin growin

Active Member
idk,the rest may/may not hermie,I usually separate the plant to see,but where I work it's too easy to do that(grow lab),but I wouldn't,it may further stress the plant


Well-Known Member
nice, if one of my plants go hermie and the rest are female ill be really happy now lol
Than i could just have my own personal jar of feminized seeds and never need to take clones....
just start a seed from one of the plants that were in with the hermie and
guarenteed female.
if you could check out my grow in my sig and see if im doing everything right ill + Rep nd appreciate it hahah

Edit: My First Grow Link --- https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journal...ml#post2713144

I don't think that's how it works. If a hermie pollonates a female you'll have more hermies.

I believe to get feminized seeds the hermied plant doesn't have hermy tenancies.

I believe they usually take some kind of acid to force a branch of a female to hermie. In my case one of the branches turned hermy on its own.

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
I don't think that's how it works. If a hermie pollonates a female you'll have more hermies.

I believe to get feminized seeds the hermied plant doesn't have hermy tenancies.

I believe they usually take some kind of acid to force a branch of a female to hermie. In my case one of the branches turned hermy on its own.
If one of them is hermie and it pollonated the others it would juist be a female with seeds not a hermie plant


Well-Known Member
idk,the rest may/may not hermie,I usually separate the plant to see,but where I work it's too easy to do that(grow lab),but I wouldn't,it may further stress the plant
well i guess if i don't was a bunch of seeds i either have to cut the hermied part, or trash the whole thing.

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
but most people dont want to ruin a crop for seeds,so not many people "personal growing"do it.
yeah but it can helo you in the long run
If you plan on another "personal grow" than you can guarentee females.... to me id rather get one harvest with seeds and be guarenteed to all females next grow...
But thats just me

luvvin growin

Active Member
Not usually the case,the pollen sacs dont ever open on some hermies,you have to dry it,look for the yellow balls and put them in a bag and refridgerate til you're ready to pollenate