

Hey guys, so I've been reading up for a while to start my first grow and I have a question I can't seem to discover the info on.
What exactly is a hermie? I get that it is a plant that tries to self pollinate itself, but does this ruin the plant? Or is it just like a fem that got pollinated so not as potent but still smokable?
Ive read that female seeds have a genetic tendency to hermie. So if you grow a plant and it hermies should u just throw it out so it doesn't pollinate the rest of your plants? or could you grow it out and still smoke it?

Thanks for the help.


ya a hermie is just a female plant that got male pollen and will get seeds but it is still smokable. the cool thing about hermie is you can make feminized seeds though because when you have a female plant that goes hermie it can breed other female plants but the only chromosone being used is xx instead of xy so you have a greater chance of having all female seeds. but if it happens in your garden take it out unless u want a hermie garden


Active Member
A hermie is a plant that starts out as a female then grows balls. It's still smokeable, but some of the plants energy goes to making seeds not buds. I have read that some people will pick the pollen sacks off IF its their only plant. Otherwise you run the risk of getting seeds on your other plants in the room. Pollen will be everywhere, you need to wash your room down. Floors walls ceiling with bleach/water combo, before you grow anything else in the room. Most people chop em down. don't clone any hermies they will hermie as well.


cool guys, thanks for the quick response. +rep for both of yah.
pretty much what I figured it was just wanted to make sure.
so seeds off a hermie are pretty much guarenteed female seeds? but they also have the hermie genetics so they are more likely to hermie themselves?
makes sense, glad to know you can still smoke it.


cool guys, thanks for the quick response. +rep for both of yah.
pretty much what I figured it was just wanted to make sure.
so seeds off a hermie are pretty much guarenteed female seeds? but they also have the hermie genetics so they are more likely to hermie themselves?
makes sense, glad to know you can still smoke it.
ya its kind of a trade off to grow the feminized seeds you need to be skilled def not a novice seed but its worth it after you get it down cuz no more males! lol
My first plant turned hermie on me but as i only had one i stuck with it . Done the whole picking bananas thing for 3 months and it was worth every minute . Got 4 oz of really nice Haze and around 300 seeds which will mostly be female so it's not the end of the world .


Well-Known Member
a hermaphrodite plant usually starts off female and begins to show male sex parts.as opposed to the other way. feminized seeds are usually the reason but sumtimes mother nature does this for no other reason than she needs too, i.e too many fems not enuff mens. u can kill it (pointless) u can turn it to hash( hassle and not a lotta return) u can pull its balls off( effective but time consuming) u can use a chemical that reverses it(dutch master reverse and dutch master penetrator)dont know yet just got it today. many fem'd plant show occasional signs of hermie but revert back to female themselves . isolate from rest of grow and just try a bit of work. dont bin it , there are alternatives