

Well-Known Member
Last grow one of the plants hermie'd, i just want to know where about i want to be checking on the plant's for the male pods.

Would it be on the newer growth at the top or the old growth at the bottom or am i clutching at straws and they could pop up anywhere.

Cheers for advice and happy new year.

The only reason i am asking is that they are three big ass plants and it takes a long time to check them over.


Well-Known Member
Separate the plant from other females then grow it out, the seeds that it produces should be feminized.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Last grow one of the plants hermie'd, i just want to know where about i want to be checking on the plant's for the male pods.

Would it be on the newer growth at the top or the old growth at the bottom or am i clutching at straws and they could pop up anywhere.

Cheers for advice and happy new year.

The only reason i am asking is that they are three big ass plants and it takes a long time to check them over.

When I use to grow from random bag seed I got quite a few hermies. I remember that the male flowers used to show up in the middle to lower third of the plant.

I don't know much about the whole "femminized" thing but I would tend to think that any seed produced from pollen off of a hermie would be more likely to carry that trait and give you more of a chance of getting them on future crops grown from that seed.

I even tried to just keep removing the male flowers as they showed up but it's such a time consuming difficult task that you just can't get them all and the rest of the plants around them end up getting major portions of them pollinated.

Hermies have been such a pain in the ass for me in the past that I would immediately destroy any plant that showed that trait and be dam sure to throw out any seed that developed on plants around it. Because the odds are good that one of those male flowers is going to throw some pollen before you catch it.


Well-Known Member
I just had a big bagseed sativa-dominant plant that was a hermie, and it had male flowers from top to bottom,(randomly) even in the main colas. I spent a good half hour every day picking those bastards off, and they just kept coming. What a pain in the ass. It yielded almost 3 ounces of pretty good smoke, with zero seeds, so i guess it was worth the effort.


Active Member
The male flower can show up anywhere, but most often I've found them at the bottom of the buds like where the fan leaf connects. I'm with Jack on the destroy them at all costs rule......or at least don't spread the genetics around. If we keep passing the recessive trait along.....it will eventually evolve into a dominant trait and sensimillia will be a thing of the past..... It's only a personal belief, but I believe it enough to never order a feminized seed......and I'll stay away from the auto flower varieties as well...for no other reason than that I work with clones so how can you have a mama if it's going to flower no matter what..........


I've read that there are hermie plants and then there are fems that sprout a cluster of banana-looking hermie pods after some sort of stress involving light creeping in during the 12 hr dark cycle. AND some fems also grow them in a last ditch effort to become pollinated. I recently found just one cluster of bananas in the top of a bud (it's a small plant and was easy to study and determine it's sex early on. we were shocked, it didn't have balls at first)....here's a pic. We were lucky to have found it in the BUD.

We pulled it out of the tent, tweezed the bananas off at the base and have our fingers crossed, because we put it back in the tent again after tweezing the buggers. The buds on this plant are so dense that it would have been such a shame to throw it out. It probably only has about 2-3 wks left of flowering so...hopefully this was just a minor freak thing. Haven't seen any yellow dust.



Well-Known Member

is that the pods in the middle, that is bizarre. But you are in the boat i was in, in the last grow. Unfortunately these thing's tend not to have a good ending.



Well-Known Member
I am in 7 1/2 weeks flower and have found a few male parts on the lower part of my buds. I wonder if it's either light creeping or the few times the lights went on/off an hour earlier (had a few troubles about mid grow with electric). Basically all it is is one set of 2-4 anthers around the lowest buds, just under the last calyx of a bud. It isnt a huge deal at all... I only noticed because I cut a cola and trimmed some. I have feminized seeds. I think that feminized seeds do not have an inherent risk of hermy'ing.. its just that when you cross the same two individuals many of the recessive genes can become dominant and show in the phenotype. Hermaphrodism is one of those recessive traits. If they were starting to show up in my buds and shit on the top colas then I would be worried.


Well-Known Member
This is just my opinion but I think hermies are mainly from crosses and breeding projects that are sub par. I am a big fan of Serious Seeds and have NEVER got a hermie from a serious seed strain. You get what you pay for sometimes :hump:

The love of money is the root of all evil and there are way, way too many ppl out there trying to make a good buck at the cost of the customer. This results in sub-par seed runs.

Do your homework, find a stable strain and keep a mother plant so you can take cuttings.


Well-Known Member
This is just my opinion but I think hermies are mainly from crosses and breeding projects that are sub par. I am a big fan of Serious Seeds and have NEVER got a hermie from a serious seed strain. You get what you pay for sometimes :hump:

The love of money is the root of all evil and there are way, way too many ppl out there trying to make a good buck at the cost of the customer. This results in sub-par seed runs.

Do your homework, find a stable strain and keep a mother plant so you can take cuttings.
GOOD ADVICE, these seed i have know are femenised white widow from nirvana, people say they are good so we shall see.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

The hermies I worry about are the ones that start producing male flowers about half way thru the flowering stage. I don't really consider those "yellow bannanas" that tend to form in the middle of the top colas a week or two before harvest to be a problem. I regard it as another sign that it's time to harvest. I tweeze some of them out as I see them but even if they release some pollen there's so little time left that a seed doesn't have a chance to form. Occasionally I've gotten a couple of very small just beginning to form seeds in a bud but nothing that I consider to detract from the over all quality of the smoke.

Back in 2008 on a trip thru Holland I got my hands on some Allegria strain seeds (from Kiwi Seeds). On the first crop I isloated a male and collected it's pollen and then used it to pollinate several of the lower buds on each female. I got about 2 oz of seeds off that crop (while still keeping the nice big top buds seedless) and have used it for 4 sucessive grows that have been completely seedless. I've had no problems with hermies developing early in the flowering stage. But almost every plant tends to throw a couple of those "bannanas" right at the very end (last week or two before harvest). I guess technically that's a form of hermaphroditism but I just don't see that as a problem. The type of hermaphodism that I've had a problem with in the past (when growing from random bag seed) is where the plant starts out producing nothing but female flowers and then with in a couple weeks (around half way to harvest) also starts producing clusters of male flowers on lower branches. Those are the ones I'd get rid of.

And as regards having the plants light or dark cycle occasionally interupted being a stressor that causes hermies to form....well, I just don't think that the plants are that sensitive. I think getting those early stage hermies (as opposed to those late developing bananas) has far more to do with the plants genetics than any stress you might cause the plant with improper lighting, watering, nutes, etc. In other words if it's going to early stage hermie on you, it's going to do so no matter how you treat the plant.


Well-Known Member
the type of hermaphodism that i've had a problem with in the past (when growing from random bag seed) is where the plant starts out producing nothing but female flowers and then with in a couple weeks (around half way to harvest) also starts producing clusters of male flowers on lower branches.

that the stuff, bang on the nose, that is what i have been waiting for. Cheers buddy.